Response Parameters for Querying Instances in an AS Group¶
Response parameters are as follows.
Parameter description
Parameter | Type | Description |
total_number | Integer | Specifies the total number of resources. |
start_number | Integer | Specifies the start line number. |
limit | Integer | Specifies the maximum number of resources to be queried. |
scaling_group_instances | Array of scaling_group_instances objects | Specifies details about the instances in the AS group. |
scaling_group_instances field data structure description
Parameter | Type | Description |
instance_id | String | Specifies the instance ID. |
instance_name | String | Specifies the instance name. |
scaling_group_id | String | Specifies the ID of the AS group to which the instance belongs. |
scaling_group_name | String | Specifies the name of the AS group to which the instance belongs. Supports fuzzy search. |
life_cycle_state | String | Specifies the instance lifecycle status in the AS group.
health_status | String | Specifies the instance health status.
scaling_configuration_name | String | Specifies the AS configuration name. |
scaling_configuration_id | String | Specifies the AS configuration ID. If the returned value is not empty, the instance is an ECS automatically created in a scaling action. If the returned value is empty, the instance is an ECS manually added to the AS group. |
create_time | String | Specifies the time when the instance is added to the AS group. The time format complies with UTC. |
protect_from_scaling_down | Boolean | Specifies the instance protection status. |
Example response
"limit": 10,
"total_number": 1,
"start_number": 0,
"scaling_group_instances": [
"instance_id": "b25c1589-c96c-465b-9fef-d06540d1945c",
"scaling_group_id": "e5d27f5c-dd76-4a61-b4bc-a67c5686719a",
"scaling_group_name": "discuz",
"life_cycle_state": "INSERVICE",
"health_status": "NORMAL",
"scaling_configuration_name": "discuz",
"scaling_configuration_id": "ca3dcd84-d197-4c4f-af2a-cf8ba39696ac",
"create_time": "2015-07-23T06:47:33Z",
"instance_name": "discuz_3D210808",
"protect_from_scaling_down": false