Response Parameters for Querying AS Configurations¶
Response parameters are as follows.
Parameter description
Parameter | Type | Description |
total_number | Integer | Specifies the total number of resources. |
start_number | Integer | Specifies the start line number. |
limit | Integer | Specifies the maximum number of resources to be queried. |
scaling_configurations | Array of scaling_configurations objects | Specifies the AS configuration list. |
scaling_configurations field description
Parameter | Type | Description |
scaling_configuration_id | String | Specifies the AS configuration ID. This parameter is globally unique. |
tenant | String | Specifies the tenant ID. |
scaling_configuration_name | String | Specifies the AS configuration name. The value supports fuzzy matching. |
instance_config | instance_config object | Specifies the information about instance configurations. |
create_time | String | Specifies the time when the AS configuration was created. The time format complies with UTC. |
scaling_group_id | String | Specifies the ID of the AS group to which the AS configuration is bound. |
instance_config field description
Parameter | Type | Description |
flavorRef | String | Specifies the ECS flavor ID. |
imageRef | String | Specifies the image ID. It is same as image_id. |
disk | Array | Specifies the disk group information. |
key_name | String | Specifies the name of the SSH key pair used to log in to the ECS. |
key_fingerprint | String | Specifies the fingerprint of the SSH key pair used to log in to the ECS. |
instance_name | String | This parameter is reserved. |
instance_id | String | This parameter is reserved. |
adminPass | String | This parameter is reserved. |
personality | Array | Specifies information about the injected file. |
public_ip | Object | Specifies the EIP of the ECS. |
user_data | String | Specifies the Cloud-Init user data, which is encoded using Base64. |
metadata | Object | Specifies the ECS metadata. For details, see Table 10. |
security_groups | Array | Specifies the security group information. For details, see Table 11. |
server_group_id | String | This parameter is reserved. |
tenancy | String | This parameter is reserved. |
dedicated_host_id | String | This parameter is reserved. |
market_type | String | This parameter is reserved. |
multi_flavor_priority_policy | String | This parameter is reserved. |
disk field description
Parameter | Type | Description |
size | Integer | Specifies the disk size. The unit is GB. |
volume_type | String | Specifies the disk type. |
disk_type | String | Specifies whether the disk is a system disk or a data disk. DATA indicates a data disk. SYS indicates a system disk. |
dedicated_storage_id | String | Specifies the ID of the DSS device for the disk. |
data_disk_image_id | String | Specifies the ID of the data disk image for creating a data disk. |
snapshot_id | String | Specifies the disk backup snapshot ID. |
metadata | Object | Specifies the metadata for creating disks. For details, see Table 5. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
__system__encrypted | String | Specifies encryption in metadata. The value can be 0 (encryption disabled) or 1 (encryption enabled). If this parameter does not exist, the disk will not be encrypted by default. |
__system__cmkid | String | Specifies the CMK ID, which indicates encryption in metadata. This parameter is used with __system__encrypted. Note For details about how to obtain the CMK ID, see "Querying the List of CMKs" in Key Management Service API Reference. |
personality field description
Parameter | Type | Description |
path | String | Specifies the path of the injected file. |
content | String | Specifies the content of the file to be injected. The file content is encoded using Base64. |
public_ip field description
Parameter | Type | Description |
eip | eip object | Specifies the EIP automatically assigned to the ECS. |
eip field description
Parameter | Type | Description |
ip_type | String | Specifies the IP address type. |
bandwidth | bandwidth object | Specifies the bandwidth of an IP address. |
bandwidth field description
Parameter | Type | Description |
size | Integer | Specifies the bandwidth (Mbit/s). |
share_type | String | Specifies the bandwidth sharing type. Enumerated values of the sharing type:
charging_mode | String | Specifies the bandwidth billing mode.
metadata field description
Parameter | Type | Description |
admin_pass | String | Specifies the password of the Administrator account for a Windows ECS. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | String | Specifies the security group ID. |
Example response
"limit": 20,
"total_number": 2,
"start_number": 0,
"scaling_configurations": [
"tenant": "ce061903a53545dcaddb300093b477d2",
"scaling_configuration_id": "6afe46f9-7d3d-4046-8748-3b2a1085ad86",
"scaling_configuration_name": " config_name_1",
"instance_config": {
"disk": [
"size": 40,
"volume_type": "SATA",
"disk_type": "SYS"
"size": 100,
"volume_type": "SATA",
"disk_type": "DATA"
"personality": null,
"instance_name": null,
"instance_id": null,
"flavorRef": "103",
"imageRef": "37ca2b35-6fc7-47ab-93c7-900324809c5c",
"key_name": "keypair01",
"public_ip": null,
"user_data": null,
"metadate": {},
"security_groups": [{
"id": "6c22a6c0-b5d2-4a84-ac56-51090dcc33be"
"create_time": "2015-07-23T01:04:07Z"
"tenant": "ce061903a53545dcaddb300093b477d2",
"scaling_configuration_id": "24a8c5f3-c713-4aba-ac29-c17101009e5d",
"scaling_configuration_name": "config_name_2",
"instance_config": {
"disk": [
"size": 40,
"volume_type": "SATA",
"disk_type": "SYS"
"personality": null,
"instance_name": null,
"instance_id": null,
"flavorRef": "103",
"imageRef": "37ca2b35-6fc7-47ab-93c7-900324809c5c",
"key_name": "keypair01",
"public_ip": null,
"user_data": null,
"metadata": {},
"security_groups": [{
"id": "6c22a6c0-b5d2-4a84-ac56-51090dcc33be"
"multi_flavor_priority_policy": "PICK_FIRST"
"create_time": "2015-07-22T01:08:41Z"