Response Parameters for Querying AS Groups¶
Response parameters are as follows.
Parameter description
Parameter | Type | Description |
total_number | Integer | Specifies the total number of resources. |
start_number | Integer | Specifies the start number of query records. |
limit | Integer | Specifies the maximum number of resources to be queried. |
scaling_groups | Array of scaling_groups objects | Specifies the scaling group list. |
scaling_groups field description
Parameter | Type | Description |
scaling_group_name | String | Specifies the name of the AS group. |
scaling_group_id | String | Specifies the AS group ID. |
scaling_group_status | String | Specifies the status of the AS group. |
scaling_configuration_id | String | Specifies the AS configuration ID. |
scaling_configuration_name | String | Specifies the AS configuration name. |
current_instance_number | Integer | Specifies the number of current instances in the AS group. |
desire_instance_number | Integer | Specifies the expected number of instances in the AS group. |
min_instance_number | Integer | Specifies the minimum number of instances in the AS group. |
max_instance_number | Integer | Specifies the maximum number of instances in the AS group. |
cool_down_time | Integer | Specifies the cooldown period, in seconds. |
lb_listener_id | String | Specifies the ID of a typical ELB listener. ELB listener IDs are separated using commas (,). |
lbaas_listeners | List data structure | Specifies information about an enhanced load balancer. . |
available_zones | List<String> | Specifies the AZ information. |
networks | List data structure | Specifies the network information. For details, see Table 4. |
security_groups | List data structure | Specifies the security group information. For details, see Table 5. |
create_time | String | Specifies the time when the AS group was created. The time format complies with UTC. |
vpc_id | String | Specifies the ID of the VPC to which the AS group belongs. |
detail | String | Specifies details about the AS group. |
is_scaling | Boolean | Specifies the scaling flag of the AS group. |
health_periodic_audit_method | String | Specifies the health check method. |
health_periodic_audit_time | Integer | Specifies the health check interval. |
health_periodic_audit_grace_period | Integer | Specifies the grace period for health check. |
instance_terminate_policy | String | Specifies the instance removal policy. |
notifications | List<String> | Specifies the notification method. EMAIL refers to notification by email. |
delete_publicip | Boolean | Specifies whether to delete the EIP bound to an ECS when deleting the ECS. |
cloud_location_id | String | This parameter is reserved. |
enterprise_project_id | String | Specifies the enterprise project ID. |
activity_type | String | Specifies the type of the scaling action. |
multi_az_priority_policy | String | Specifies the priority policy used to select the target AZ when adjusting the number of instances in an AS group. |
lbaas_listeners field description
Parameter | Type | Description |
listener_id | String | Specifies the listener ID. |
pool_id | String | Specifies the backend ECS group ID. |
protocol_port | Integer | Specifies the backend protocol ID, which is the port on which a backend ECS listens for traffic. |
weight | Integer | Specifies the weight, which determines the portion of requests a backend ECS processes when being compared to other backend ECSs added to the same listener. |
networks field description
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | String | Specifies the subnet ID. |
ipv6_enable | Boolean | Specifies whether to support IPv6 addresses. If this parameter is set to true, the NIC supports IPv6 addresses. The default value is false. This parameter is reserved. |
ipv6_bandwidth | String | Specifies the shared bandwidth of an IPv6 address. This parameter is left blank by default, indicating that no IPv6 shared bandwidth is bound. This parameter is reserved. |
security_groups field description
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | String | Specifies the security group ID. |
Example response
"limit": 20,
"scaling_groups": [
"networks": [
"id": "a8327883-6b07-4497-9c61-68d03ee193a",
"ipv6_enable": false,
"ipv6_bandwidth": null
"available_zones": [
"detail": null,
"scaling_group_name": "as-group-test",
"scaling_group_id": "77a7a397-7d2f-4e79-9da9-6a35e2709150",
"scaling_group_status": "INSERVICE",
"scaling_configuration_id": "1d281494-6085-4579-b817-c1f813be835f",
"scaling_configuration_name": "healthCheck",
"current_instance_number": 0,
"desire_instance_number": 1,
"min_instance_number": 0,
"max_instance_number": 500,
"cool_down_time": 300,
"lb_listener_id": null,
"security_groups": [
"id": "8a4b1d5b-0054-419f-84b1-5c8a59ebc829"
"create_time": "2015-07-23T02:46:29Z",
"vpc_id": "863ccae2-ee85-4d27-bc5b-3ba2a198a9e2",
"health_periodic_audit_method": "ELB_AUDIT",
"health_periodic_audit_time": 5,
"health_periodic_audit_grace_period": 600,
"instance_terminate_policy": "OLD_CONFIG_OLD_INSTANCE",
"is_scaling": false,
"delete_publicip": false,
"notifications": [
"enterprise_project_id": "c92b1a5d-6f20-43f2-b1b7-7ce35e58e413",
"multi_az_priority_policy": "PICK_FIRST"
"total_number": 1,
"start_number": 0