Response Parameters for Querying Images¶
Response parameters are as follows.
Parameter description
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
file | Yes | String | Specifies the URL for uploading and downloading the image file. |
owner | Yes | String | Specifies the tenant to which the image belongs. |
id | Yes | String | Indicates the image ID. |
size | Yes | Long | This parameter is unavailable currently. |
self | Yes | String | Specifies the image URL. |
schema | Yes | String | Specifies the image schema. |
status | Yes | String | Specifies the image status. Possible values are:
tags | Yes | List<String> | Specifies the image tags using which the user can manage private images in a user-defined way. Users can use the image tag interface to add different tags for each image and filter images by tag. |
visibility | Yes | String | Specifies whether the image can be seen by other tenants. The value can be private or public. |
name | Yes | String | Specifies the image name. |
checksum | Yes | String | This parameter is unavailable currently. |
protected | Yes | Boolean | Specifies whether the image is protected. A protected image cannot be deleted. The value of this parameter can be true or false. |
container_format | Yes | String | Specifies the container type. |
min_ram | Yes | Int | Specifies the minimum memory size (MB) required for running the image. The parameter value depends on the ECS specifications limit. The value is generally set to 0. |
updated_at | Yes | String | Specifies the time when a DR drill was updated. The value is in UTC format. |
__os_bit | No | String | Specifies the number of bits in the operating system: 32 or 64. |
__os_version | No | String | Specifies the OS version. |
__description | No | String | Provides supplementary information about the image. |
disk_format | Yes | String | Specifies the image format. The value can be vhd, raw, or qcow2. |
__isregistered | No | String | Specifies whether the image has been registered. The value can be true or false. |
__platform | No | String | Specifies the image platform type. The value can be Windows, Ubuntu, RedHat, SUSE, CentOS, Debian, OpenSUSE, Oracle Linux, Fedora, Other, CoreOS, or EulerOS. |
__os_type | No | String | Specifies the operating system type. The value can be Linux, Windows, or Other. |
min_disk | Yes | Int | Specifies the minimum disk space (GB) required for running the image. The value ranges from 1 GB to 1024 GB. |
virtual_env_type | Yes | String | Specifies the environment where the image is used. The value can be FusionCompute, Ironic, or DataImage. For an ECS image, the value is FusionCompute. For a data disk image, the value is DataImage. For a BMS image, the value is Ironic. |
__image_source_type | No | String | Specifies the image backend storage type. Only UDS is supported currently. |
__imagetype | No | String | Specifies the image type. The following types are supported:
created_at | No | String | Specifies the time when the image was created. The value is in UTC format. |
virtual_size | No | Int | This parameter is unavailable currently. |
deleted_at | No | String | Specifies the time when the image was deleted. The value is in UTC format. |
__originalimagename | No | String | Specifies the parent image ID. If the image is a public image or it is created using a file, this value is left empty. |
__backup_id | No | String | Backup ID To create an image using a backup, set the value to the backup ID. Otherwise, this value is left empty. |
__productcode | No | String | Specifies the ID of the market image product. |
__image_size | No | String | Specifies the size (bytes) of the image file. |
__data_origin | No | String | Specifies the image resource. If the image is a public image, this parameter is left empty. |
__support_xen | No | String | Specifies whether the image supports Xen. If yes, the value is true. Otherwise, this attribute is not required. |
__support_largememory | No | String | Specifies whether the image supports large-memory ECSs. If the image supports large-memory ECSs, the value is true. Otherwise, this attribute is not required. |
__support_diskintensive | No | String | Specifies whether the image supports disk-intensive ECSs. If the image supports disk-intensive ECSs, the value is true. Otherwise, this attribute is not required. |
__support_highperformance | No | String | Specifies whether the image supports high-performance ECSs. If the image supports high-performance ECSs, the value is true. Otherwise, this attribute is not required. |
__support_xen_gpu_type | No | String | Specifies whether the image supports GPU-optimized ECSs on the Xen platform. If the GPU-optimized image is not supported on Xen, this attribute is not required. This attribute cannot co-exist with __support_xen. |
__support_xen_hana | No | String | Specifies whether the image supports HANA ECSs on the Xen platform. If yes, the value is true. Otherwise, this attribute is not required. This attribute cannot co-exist with __support_xen. |
__support_kvm_infiniband | No | String | Specifies whether the image supports ECSs with the InfiniBand NIC on the KVM platform. If yes, the value is true. Otherwise, this attribute is not required. This attribute cannot co-exist with __support_xen. |
__lazyloading | Yes | String | Specifies whether the image supports lazy loading. The value can be true, false, True, or False. |
hw_firmware_type | Yes | String | Specifies the ECS boot mode. The value can be:
__support_fc_inject | Yes | String | Specifies whether the image supports password/private key injection using Cloud-Init. If the value is set to true, password/private key injection using Cloud-Init is not supported. Note This parameter is valid only for ECS system disk images. |
Example response
"images": [
"schema": "/v2/schemas/image",
"min_disk": 100,
"created_at": "2018-09-06T14:03:27Z",
"__image_source_type": "uds",
"container_format": "bare",
"file": "/v2/images/bc6bed6e-ba3a-4447-afcc-449174a3eb52/file",
"updated_at": "2018-09-06T15:17:33Z",
"protected": true,
"checksum": "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e",
"id": "bc6bed6e-ba3a-4447-afcc-449174a3eb52",
"__isregistered": "true",
"min_ram": 2048,
"__lazyloading": "true",
"owner": "1bed856811654c1cb661a6ca845ebc77",
"__os_type": "Linux",
"__imagetype": "gold",
"visibility": "public",
"virtual_env_type": "FusionCompute",
"tags": [],
"__platform": "CentOS",
"size": 0,
"__os_bit": "64",
"__os_version": "CentOS 7.3 64bit",
"name": "CentOS 7.3 64bit vivado",
"self": "/v2/images/bc6bed6e-ba3a-4447-afcc-449174a3eb52",
"disk_format": "zvhd2",
"virtual_size": null,
"hw_firmware_type": "bios",
"status": "active",
"schema": "/v2/schemas/image",
"min_disk": 100,
"created_at": "2018-09-06T14:03:05Z",
"__image_source_type": "uds",
"container_format": "bare",
"file": "/v2/images/0328c25e-c840-4496-81ac-c4e01b214b1f/file",
"updated_at": "2018-09-25T14:27:40Z",
"protected": true,
"checksum": "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e",
"id": "0328c25e-c840-4496-81ac-c4e01b214b1f",
"__isregistered": "true",
"min_ram": 2048,
"__lazyloading": "true",
"owner": "1bed856811654c1cb661a6ca845ebc77",
"__os_type": "Linux",
"__imagetype": "gold",
"visibility": "public",
"virtual_env_type": "FusionCompute",
"tags": [],
"__platform": "CentOS",
"size": 0,
"__os_bit": "64",
"__os_version": "CentOS 7.3 64bit",
"name": "CentOS 7.3 64bit with sdx",
"self": "/v2/images/0328c25e-c840-4496-81ac-c4e01b214b1f",
"disk_format": "zvhd2",
"virtual_size": null,
"hw_firmware_type": "bios",
"status": "active",