Fast-Adding Security Group Rules


The fast-adding rule function of security groups allows you to quickly add rules with common ports and protocols for remote login, ping tests, common web services, and database services.


  1. Log in to the management console.

  1. Click image1 in the upper left corner and select the desired region and project.

  2. Click image2 in the upper left corner and choose Network > Virtual Private Cloud.

    The Virtual Private Cloud page is displayed.

  3. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Access Control > Security Groups.

    The security group list is displayed.

  4. Locate the row that contains the target security group and click Manage Rule in the Operation column.

    The page for configuring security group rules is displayed.

  5. On the Inbound Rules tab, click Fast-Add Rule.

    The Fast-Add Inbound Rule dialog box is displayed.

  6. Configure required parameters.

    **Figure 1** Fast-Add Inbound Rule

    Figure 1 Fast-Add Inbound Rule

    Table 1 Inbound rule parameter description



    Example Value

    Protocols and Ports

    Common protocols and ports are provided for:

    • Remote login and ping

    • Web services

    • Databases

    SSH (22)


    Source IP address version. You can select:

    • IPv4

    • IPv6



    Source of the security group rule. The value can be an IP address or a security group to allow access from IP addresses or instances in the security group. You can specify:

    • (IPv4 address)

    • (IPv4 address range)

    • (all IPv4 addresses)

    • sg-abc (security group)

    If the source is a security group, this rule will apply to all instances associated with the selected security group.


    (Optional) Supplementary information about the security group rule.

    The description can contain a maximum of 255 characters and cannot contain angle brackets (< or >).


  7. Click OK.

    The inbound rule list is displayed and you can view your added rule.

  8. On the Outbound Rules tab, click Fast-Add Rule.

    The Fast-Add Outbound Rule dialog box is displayed.

  9. Configure required parameters.

    **Figure 2** Fast-Add Outbound Rule

    Figure 2 Fast-Add Outbound Rule

    Table 2 Outbound rule parameter description



    Example Value

    Protocols and Ports

    Common protocols and ports are provided for:

    • Remote login and ping

    • Web services

    • Databases

    SSH (22)


    Source IP address version. You can select:

    • IPv4

    • IPv6



    Destination of the security group rule. The value can be an IP address or a security group to allow access to IP addresses or instances in the security group. You can specify:

    • (IPv4 address)

    • (IPv4 address range)

    • (all IPv4 addresses)

    • sg-abc (security group)


    (Optional) Supplementary information about the security group rule.

    The description can contain a maximum of 255 characters and cannot contain angle brackets (< or >).


  10. Click OK.

    The outbound rule list is displayed and you can view your added rule.