Change History

Released On



Modified the following content:

Added Security Best Practices.


Modified the following content:


Modified the following content:

Supported PostgreSQL 16. Added RDS for PostgreSQL Versioning Policy.


Modified the following content:

Added RDS for PostgreSQL Versioning Policy.


Modified the following content:

Supported Extreme SSD.


Modified the following content:

Supported PostgreSQL 15.


Modified the following content:

Added Importing a Parameter Template.


Modified the following content:

Supported SQL Server 2022 EE and 2022 SE.


Modified the following content:


Modified the following content:


Modified the following content:

Added Upgrading a Minor Version.


Modified the following content:


Modified the following content:

  • Supported SQL Server 2019 EE and 2019 SE.

  • Supported PostgreSQL 14.


Modified the following content:

  • Modified the description of the tag value in Editing a Tag.

  • Modified the description of the Administrator Password.


Modified the following content:

Supported Table Name settings during MySQL 8.0 instance creation in Step 1: Create a DB Instance.


Modified the following content:

Supported PostgreSQL 13.


Modified the following content:


Modified the following content:


Modified the following content:


Modified the following content:


Modified the following content:


Modified the following content:

Supported PostgreSQL 12.


Modified the following content:

  • Supported Microsoft SQL Server 2017 EE.

  • Supported Microsoft SQL Server 2017 SE.

  • Supported creating read replicas for Microsoft SQL Server 2017 EE DB instances.

  • Added support for MySQL minor version upgrades in section Upgrading a Minor Version.

  • Supported primary/standby switchover or failover logs for RDS MySQL DB instances.

  • Changed "Parameter Group" to "Parameter Template".


Modified the following content:

Supported MySQL 8.0.


Added an FAQ Does RDS for PostgreSQL Support the test_decoding Plugin?


Modified the following content:


Accepted for RM-466, RM-525, RM-581, RM-583, RM-604, RM-650, RM-680, and RM-681.


Modified the following content:


Modified the following content:

Modified the content in the following sections: Comparison Between RDS and Self-Built Databases, Downloading a Backup File, Applying a Parameter Template, Key Operations Supported by CTS, Scaling up Storage Space, Rebooting DB Instances or Read Replicas, Restoring from Backup Files to RDS for PostgreSQL, Configuring Displayed Metrics, Key Operations Supported by CTS, Installing and Uninstalling a Plugin Using SQL Commands, Configuring Displayed Metrics, Key Operations Supported by CTS, Does RDS Support Cross-AZ High Availability?, and Why Do I Need to Use the mysqldump or pg_dump Tools for Migration?


Modified the following content:

  • Added the NOTE error log level for MySQL DB instances in section Viewing Error Logs.

  • Changed "Character Set" to "Server Collation" and modified its description for Microsoft SQL Server DB instances.


Modified the following content:

  • Supported batch creation of DB instances.

  • Supported exporting DB instance lists.

  • Supported the task center.

  • Supported creating DB instances with the same specifications as the selected DB instance.

  • Supported selecting floating IP addresses during DB instance creation.

  • Supported restoration to existing DB instances.

  • Added the error log level WARNING for MySQL DB instances in section Viewing Error Logs.

  • Supported 16 vCPUs | 64 GB, 16 vCPUs | 128 GB, and 32 vCPUs | 256 GB for MySQL DB instances in section DB Instance Classes.

  • Supported modifying floating IP addresses of existing DB instances for MySQL and PostgreSQL.

  • Supported 16 vCPUs | 32 GB and 16 vCPUs | 64 GB for PostgreSQL DB instances in section DB Instance Classes.

  • Supported transparent data encryption for Microsoft SQL Server DB instances in Configuring the TDE Function.

  • Supported slow query logs for Microsoft SQL Server DB instances in Viewing and Downloading Slow Query Logs.

  • Based on the console modifications, updated the following procedure descriptions: creating DB instances, connecting DB instances, creating read replicas, scaling up storage space, changing instance classes, creating backups, restoring backups, changing database ports, changing administrator passwords, rebooting DB instances, deleting DB instances, and task center.


Modified the following content:

  • Supported restoration to original DB instances for Microsoft SQL Server DB instances.

  • Supported database-level restoration for Microsoft SQL Server DB instances.


Accepted in OTC-4.0.


Modified the following content:

  • Modified the description in section Exporting a Parameter Template to the following: An exported parameter group has initially a blank change history.

  • Modified the description in the scenario in section Viewing Parameter Change History to the following: An exported or custom parameter group has initially a blank change history.


Modified the following content:

  • Added the description in section Exporting a Parameter Template: An exported parameter group has initially a blank change history.

  • Supported the file name with a maximum of 81 characters when exporting a parameter group to a file in section Exporting a Parameter Template.

  • Added the description in the scenario in section Viewing Parameter Change History: An exported or custom parameter group has initially a blank change history.

  • Added the description in section Scaling up Storage Space: The DB instance is in Scaling up state when its storage space is being scaled up. For Microsoft SQL Server DB instances, backups cannot be created during the scale-up process. For MySQL and PostgreSQL DB instances, backup creation is not affected.


Modified the following content:


Modified the following content:

  • Added PostgreSQL 10 to the PostgreSQL engine in Table 1 in section Function Comparison.

  • Changed the maximum storage space to 4 TB in Function Comparison in section Function Comparison.

  • Supported adding tags during the DB instance creation.

  • Supported selecting parameter groups during the DB instance creation.

  • Optimized parameter group management: when you change certain parameter values in parameter groups in batches and save the changes, the changes will take effect only after you apply the parameter groups to DB instances.


Modified the following content:

  • Supported PostgreSQL 10.

  • Supported selecting time zones during the DB instance creation.

  • Supported changing the DB instance type from single to primary/standby.

  • Supported DB instance storage space up to 4,000 GB.


Accepted in OTC-3.2.


Modified the following content:


Modified the following content:

  • Deleted the release numbers and retained the release dates only in accordance with the unified style.

  • Added the hyperlink in 2 for ease of use.

  • Added the following description in section Creating a Parameter Template: RDS does not share parameter group quotas with DDS. All RDS DB engines share the parameter group quota.

  • Deleted [username@host] from the command in section Tablespace Management.


Modified the following content:


Modified the following content:

  • Changed PostGIS to postgis.

  • Added the following PostgreSQL plugins: auto_explain, pg_pathman, pg_stat_statements, and pg_hint_plan.

  • Changed "backups" to "automated backups".

  • Changed the quota of custom parameter groups to 1000. The quota is not shared by DDS.

  • Deleted [username@host] from the command.

  • Set the plugin name "postgis" in bold.

  • Adjusted the positions of constraints for earthdistance, timescaledb, and cube plugins.


Modified the following content:

  • Enhanced password verification when a DB instance is created or the password of a database account is reset.

  • Added PostgreSQL plugins.

  • Optimized the disabling mechanism of the automated backup policy.


Accepted in OTC-3.1.


Modified the following content:

Added the impact of deleting keys after disk encryption is enabled.


Modified the following content:

  • Added the change history of selecting a time zone when creating a Microsoft SQL Server DB instance.

  • Added the reference path for creating a key.

  • Added the maximum throughput of each storage type.

  • Optimized descriptions of subnets and security groups.

  • Optimized the public accessibility scenario.

  • Changed descriptions after successful DB instance creation from an ordered list to a nonsequential list.

  • Optimized the procedures of downloading backup files.

  • Added the description of the replication delay parameter.

  • Added an FAQ How Can I Obtain Microsoft SQL Server Error Logs Using Commands?


Modified the following content:

  • Provided an option for enabling or disabling automated backups.

  • Optimized the procedures of downloading backup files from OBS.

  • Added the description of administrator password security.


Modified the following content:

Optimized the description of disk encryption.


Modified the following content:

  • Combined the content of "Access RDS" in restrictions.

  • Added the description of "Reboot an RDS DB instance" in restrictions.

  • Optimized the description of disk encryption.

  • Modified the DB instance specifications supported by Microsoft SQL Server.


Modified the following content:

  • Supported disk encryption.

  • Supported Microsoft SQL Server instance with high specifications.

  • Supported multi-AZ deployment of Microsoft SQL Server HA DB instances.

  • Added information about product introduction.

  • Added the "Getting Started" sections for each DB engine.

  • Changed the minimum storage space of a disk to 40 GB when a DB instance is created.

  • Supported instance name modification when a DB instance is created.

  • Supported time zone selections when creating a Microsoft SQL Server DB instance.


Accepted in OTC-3.0.


  • Adjust HA Type sequence to show primary/standby first.

  • Add description of primary/standby at Scenarios and Step 1 of section 3.10.


Optimized the automated backup policy description.


Optimized the commands for exporting and importing data.


  • Changed the MySQL version to 5.7.20.

  • Deleted the frozen status and description.

  • Updated the commands.

  • Added the description: If the retention period is 0 days (indicating that the automated backup is disabled) and you set it to one or more days, the backup policy is enabled and a full automated backup is triggered instantly.

  • Added a description.

  • Supported tag management.


Modified the following content:

  • Based on the console modifications, updated the following procedure descriptions: creating DB instances, connecting DB instances, creating read replicas, scaling up storage space, changing instance classes, creating backups, restoring backups, changing database ports, changing administrator passwords, rebooting DB instances, and deleting DB instances.

  • Supported DB instance name modifications.


Modified the following content:

  • Supported tag management.

  • Supported PostgreSQL plugins.


Modified the following content:

  • Supported MySQL 5.7.20.

  • Supported PostgreSQL 9.6.5.


Modified the following content:

  • Added the suffix description for the DB instance name.

  • Added the description of the EIPs displayed in the dialog box when enabling public accessibility.


Modified the following content:

  • Modified the Microsoft SQL Server log loading method.

  • Added a description to the EIP binding and unbinding: A reboot is required after enabling public accessibility for Microsoft SQL Server DB instances.


Modified the following content:


Modified the following content:


Modified the following content:

Supported changing the descriptions of custom parameter groups.


Modified the following content:


Modified the following content:

Supported MySQL 5.7.17.


Modified the following content:

  • Supported parameter groups.


Modified the following content:

  • Supported resetting the administrator password.

  • Updated the SSL certificate.


Modified the following content:

  • Supported MySQL 5.6.35.

  • Supported changing the database port.


Modified the following content:

  • Adjusted the document structure.

  • Supported PostgreSQL 9.5.

  • Added section Glossary.


Modified the following content:


Modified the following content:

  • Modified description of snapshot management.

  • Supported MySQL 5.6.34.


Modified the following content:

  • Supported MySQL 5.6.33.

  • Supported scaling up DB clusters.

  • Supported creating and managing snapshots.

  • Supported changing the DB instance CPU and memory.

  • Supported restoring a DB instance to a specified point in time.


This issue is the first official release.