PUT Bucket website

You can use this operation to create or update the website configuration of a bucket.

OBS allows you to store static web page resources such as HTML web pages, flash files, video files, and audio files to a bucket. When a client accesses these resources from the website endpoint of the bucket, the browser can directly resolve and present the resources to the client. This operation can be used to:

  • Redirect all requests to a website endpoint.

  • Add routing rules that redirect specific requests.

Only users granted the s3:PutBucketWebsite permission can set the bucket website configuration. By default, only the bucket owner can set the bucket website configuration. The bucket owner can allow other users to set the bucket website configuration by granting them the permission. After the bucket website configuration is set, it will take effect within two minutes.


Avoid using periods (.) in the target bucket name. Otherwise, the client may fail to authenticate the certificate when you use HTTPS for access.

Request Syntax

PUT /?website HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: agent
Host: bucketname.obs.example.com
Accept: */*
Content-Length: length
Date: date
Authorization: authorization
Expect: expect


Request Parameters

This request involves no parameters.

Request Headers

This request uses common headers. For details about common request headers, see section Common Request Headers.

Request Elements

This request contains elements to specify the website configuration in the XML format. The elements differ for situations where users want to redirect all requests to a website endpoint and for when users want to add routing rules that redirect specific requests.

  • To redirect all websites requests sent to the bucket's website endpoint, add the elements as described in Table 1.

Table 1 Elements for redirecting all website requests





Indicates the root element for the website configuration.

Type: Container

Ancestor: None



Describes the redirection behavior for every request to this bucket's website endpoint. If this element is present, no other siblings are allowed.

Type: Container

Ancestor: WebsiteConfiguration



Indicates the name of the host where requests will be redirected.

Type: String

Ancestor: RedirectAllRequestsTo



Indicates the protocol (HTTP and HTTPS) used in redirecting requests. The default protocol is HTTP.

Type: String

Ancestor: RedirectAllRequestsTo


  • To add routing rules that describe conditions for redirecting requests, add the elements as described in Table 2.

Table 2 Elements for adding rules that redirect requests





Indicates the root element for the website configuration.

Type: Container

Ancestor: None



Indicates the container for the Suffix element.

Type: Container

Ancestor: WebsiteConfiguration



Indicates a suffix that is appended to a request initiated for a directory on the website endpoint. For example, if the suffix is index.html and you request for samplebucket/images/, the data that is returned will be for the object with the key name images/index.html in the samplebucket bucket. The suffix cannot be empty or contain slashes (/).

Type: String

Ancestor: IndexDocument



Indicates the container for the Key element.

Type: Container

Ancestor: WebsiteConfiguration



Indicates the object key that is used when a 4xx error occurs. This element identifies the page that is returned when a 4xx error occurs.

Type: String

Ancestor: ErrorDocument

Condition: Required when ErrorDocument is specified.



Indicates the container for the RoutingRule element.

Type: Container

Ancestor: WebsiteConfiguration



Indicates the container for a routing rule that identifies a condition and a redirect applicable when the condition is met.

Type: Container

Ancestor: RoutingRules

Condition: In a RoutingRules container, there must be at least one RoutingRule element.



Indicates the container for describing a condition that must be met for the specified redirect to apply.

Type: Container

Ancestor: RoutingRule



Indicates the object key name prefix when the redirection is applied.

For example:

  • To redirect the request for object ExamplePage.html, the key prefix is set to ExamplePage.html.

Type: String

Ancestor: Condition

Condition: Required when the parent element HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals is not specified. If two conditions are specified, both conditions must be true for the redirection to be applied.



Indicates the HTTP error code returned when the redirection is applied. The specified redirect is applied only when the error code returned equals to this value.

For example:

  • If you want to redirect to NotFound.html when HTTP error code 404 is returned, set HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals to 404 in Condition and ReplaceKeyWith to NotFound.html in Redirect.

Type: String

Ancestor: Condition

Condition: Required when parent element Condition is specified and sibling KeyPrefixEquals is not specified. If multiple conditions are specified, the redirection takes effect only after all conditions are met.



Indicates the container for redirect information. You can redirect requests to another host, to another web page, or with another protocol. You can specify an error code to be returned after an error.

Type: Container

Ancestor: RoutingRule



Indicates the protocol used in the redirection request.

Type: String

Ancestor: Redirect

Valid Values: http, https

Condition: Not required if one of the siblings is present.



Indicates the host name used in the redirection request.

Type: String

Ancestor: Redirect

Condition: Not required if one of the siblings is present.



Indicates the object key prefix used in the redirection request.

For example:

  • To redirect all requests for (objects under) docs to (objects under) documents, set KeyPrefixEquals to docs in Condition and ReplaceKeyPrefixWith to documents in Redirect.

Type: String

Ancestor: Redirect

Condition: Not required if one of the siblings is present. Can be present only if ReplaceKeyWith is not provided.



Indicates the object key used in the redirection request. For example, redirect requests to error.html.

Type: String

Ancestor: Redirect

Condition: Not required if one of the siblings is present. Can be present only if ReplaceKeyPrefixWithis not provided.



Indicates the HTTP status code returned after the redirection request.

Type: String

Ancestor: Redirect

Condition: Not required if one of the siblings is present.


Response Syntax

HTTP/1.1 status_code
 Server: Server Name
 x-amz-request-id: request id
 x-amz-id-2: id
 x-reserved: amazon, aws and amazon web services are trademarks or registered trademarks of Amazon Technologies, Inc
 Date: date
 Content-Length: length

Response Headers

This response uses common headers. For details about common response headers, see section Common Response Headers.

Response Elements

This response involves no elements.

Error Responses

No special error responses are returned. For details about error responses, see Table 1.

Example 1: Setting Website to Redirect All Requests

PUT /?website HTTP/1.1
 User-Agent: curl/7.29.0
 Host: bucketname.obs.example.com
 Accept: */*
 Date: Sat, 04 Jan 2014 06:22:20 +0000
 Authorization: AWS C6630CD15B645CB8A3BA:NiQpK7VHqCx93B8k14LJMSZy8ng=
 Content-Length: 198
 Expect: 100-continue


Example 2: Setting Website to Add Routing Rules that Redirect Requests

PUT /?website HTTP/1.1
 User-Agent: curl/7.29.0
 Host: bucketname.obs.example.com
 Accept: */*
 Date: Sat, 04 Jan 2014 06:22:20 +0000
 Authorization: AWS C6630CD15B645CB8A3BA:NiQpK7VHqCx93B8k14LJMSZy8ng=
 Content-Length: 490
 Expect: 100-continue


Sample Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
 Date: Sat, 04 Jan 2014 06:24:31 GMT
 Server: OBS
 x-amz-request-id: 90E2BA0A420C00000140ED7A369007A2
 x-amz-id-2: t35S98JCFKUMswCPZCk+UTi/VOoiSenzi5J6wnoKCIMfXUsKYGgU5+daiWAYiY/8
 x-reserved: amazon, aws and amazon web services are trademarks or registered trademarks of Amazon Technologies, Inc
 Content-Type: text/xml
 Content-Length: 0