PUT Bucket versioning

You can use this operation to enable or suspend versioning for a bucket.

Versioning can be used to restore an object that is incorrectly overwritten or deleted. You can use versioning to save, query, and restore objects of different versions. Versioning allows you to easily recover data lost due to misoperations or program faults. Versioning can also be used for retaining and archiving data.

By default, versioning is disabled for a bucket.

Once WORM is enabled for a bucket, OBS automatically enables versioning for the bucket and the versioning cannot be suspended for that bucket.

After the versioning state is set to Enabled:

  • OBS creates a unique version ID for each uploaded object. Namesake objects are not overwritten and are distinguished by their own version IDs.

  • Objects can be downloaded by version ID. By default, the latest object is downloaded if the version ID is not specified.

  • Objects can be deleted by version ID. If an object is deleted with no version ID specified, the object is only attached with a deletion mark and a unique version ID but is not physically deleted.

  • The latest objects in a bucket are returned by default after a GET Object request. You can also send a request to obtain a bucket's objects with all version IDs.

  • Except deletion marks and object metadata, storage space occupied by objects with all version IDs is billed.

After the versioning state is set to Suspended:

  • Existing objects with version IDs are not affected.

  • OBS creates version ID null to an uploaded object and the object will be overwritten after a namesake one is uploaded.

  • Objects can be downloaded by version ID. By default, the latest object is downloaded if the version ID is not specified.

  • Objects can be deleted by version ID. If an object is deleted with no version ID specified, the object is only attached with a deletion mark and version ID null. Objects with version ID null are physically deleted.

  • Except deletion marks and object metadata, storage space occupied by objects with all version IDs is billed.

Only the bucket owner can set the bucket versioning state.

Request Syntax

PUT /?versioning HTTP/1.1
 User-Agent: agent
 Host: bucketname.obs.example.com
 Accept: */*
 Date: date
 Authorization: authorization
 Content-Length: length
 Expect: expect


Request Parameters

This request involves no parameters.

Request Headers

This request uses common headers. For details about common request headers, see section Common Request Headers.

Request Elements

This request contains elements to configure the bucket versioning in the XML format. Table 1 describes the elements.

Table 1 Elements for configuring bucket versioning





Indicates the container for the versioning state configuration.

Ancestor: None



Specifies the versioning state of the bucket.

Type: Enumeration

Ancestor: VersioningConfiguration

Valid Values: Enabled, Suspended


Response Syntax

HTTP/1.1 status_code
 Server: Server Name
 x-amz-request-id: request id
 x-amz-id-2: id
 x-reserved: amazon, aws and amazon web services are trademarks or registered trademarks of Amazon Technologies, Inc
 Date: date
 Content-Length: length

Response Headers

This response uses common headers. For details about common response headers, see section Common Response Headers.

Response elements

This response involves no elements.

Error Responses

No special error responses are returned. For details about error responses, see Table 1.

Sample Request

PUT /?versioning HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: curl/7.29.0
 Host: bucketname.obs.example.com
 Accept: */*
 Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2014 07:33:22 +0000
 Authorization: AWS C5780CDE717D50F4CDAA:MxAazqX4BdUfCXpbNd1VpZqyDD4=
 Content-Length: 80
 Expect: 100-continue


Sample Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
 Server: OBS
 x-amz-request-id: DCD2FC9CAB78000001438A84E693000F
 x-amz-id-2: iRQ+xOfSLXxasHqbPqqtDcXRKHXzrz9cNrrW4wjNum2DGHAgr359+tU6QCcwiT0y
 x-reserved: amazon, aws and amazon web services are trademarks or registered trademarks of Amazon Technologies, Inc
 Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2014 07:33:22 GMT
 Content-Length: 0