Opening a Notebook Instance

You can open a created notebook instance (that is, an instance in the Running state) and start coding in the development environment.

Instance Opening

  • Go to the Jupyter Notebook page.

    In the notebook instance list, locate the row where the target notebook instance resides and click Open in the Operation column or click the notebook instance name.

  • Go to the JupyterLab page.

    In the notebook instance list, select the notebook instance to be opened and click Open JupyterLab in the Operation column.

Code Development

ModelArts provides two environments for code development: Jupyter Notebook and JupyterLab.

  • Jupyter Notebook: a web-based application for interactive computing. It can be applied to full-process computing: development, documentation, running code, and presenting results.

  • JupyterLab: an interactive development environment. It is a next-generation product of Jupyter Notebook. JupyterLab enables you to compile notebooks, operate terminals, edit MarkDown text, open interaction modes, and view CSV files and images.