Service Overview


Marketplace is the official e-commerce platform and the interface of customer. It is used to subscribe and deploy Third Party Services for customer usage on the Open Telekom Cloud.

Marketplace Seller Center

Marketplace Seller Center is the interface of the seller and is the enabler service to integrate and to publish the Third-Party Services on the Open Telekom Cloud Marketplace. It combines the benefits of a set of tools to integrate Third Party Services and to deploy the services with minimum effort on the Open Telekom Cloud.

Why sell or buy from Open Telekom Cloud Marketplace

Automation: end-to-end features to sell and to deploy the products.

Sovereign: Open Telekom Cloud provides sovereignty at data, technology and operation levels.

Secure: Open Telekom Cloud meets industry-specific requirements, Schrems II, GDPR and Legal certainty.

Reliable: 99,95% availability of Open Telekom Cloud, Zero outage and Operated by Telekom.

Co-sell: Leverage the reach, brand and power of Open Telekom Cloud.

Eco-System: Become part of wide eco-system with the Community, Circle Partner and Techboost.


High Automation: Intuitive user interface with high degree of automated features such as Billing and Contract Management.

Do-it-Yourself (DIY): Seller can publish the Product Offering by himself or herself. Integrated deployment on tenant is available for customers.

Reduce cost of customer acquisition.

Easy access to wide range of offerings.


User Interface

Marketplace Seller Center is the interface for the sellers.

Marketplace Seller Center authenticates and authorizes users via credentials of Open Telekom Cloud tenant.

Marketplace is the interface for the customers.

Marketplace authenticates and authorizes users via credentials of Open Telekom Cloud tenant.


Dashboard is the key component that offers access to various features and other components of the Marketplace.

Users can view the history of deployed product offerings. Sellers can view the sales history of their Product Offerings.

Product Offering Provisioning is performed via Dashboard.

Product Offering Provisioning

It is a sub-component of Dashboard. Sellers can create, publish, and maintain the Product Offering via the Dashboard.

Customers can deploy the Product Offering via the interface of Marketplace.

Profile Management

Users can create and view the Organizational data.

Organizational data such as support e-mail and seller website is available via Dashboard to Customer on successful deployment of a Product Offering.


Automated invoicing happens via the standard invoice of Open Telekom Cloud.

Contract Management

Automated contract management is performed between seller, customer, and Open Telekom Cloud via the Marketplace.

Marketplace Seller Center (Open Telekom Cloud Service)

Product Offering is the seller's published software (incl. service type, license type and seller's software name) on the Marketplace.

Service Type

License Type

Marketplace Service Charge


Open Source/Trial/Free





  1. Service Type is type of IaaS provided by Open Telekom Cloud to create the Product offering. Ex. CCE*. For details, please refer to the marketplace website or to the service description.

  2. License Type is the license option provided by Open Telekom Cloud to create the Product offering. Ex. BYOL - Bring Your Own License.

  3. Marketplace Service Charge is the fee to publish the Product Offering (Seller's Software) via Marketplace Seller Center.


Invoicing is done via the standard Open Telekom Cloud invoice and no separate invoice for the Marketplace is generated.

‘Price Info’ on the Marketplace indicates the pricing model applicable to the Product Offering.

  1. ‘Usage Based’ pricing: Customer is billed based on the consumption of the Open Telekom Cloud or T-Systems International GmbH Services incurred by the usage of Product Offering.

  2. ‘Subscription’ pricing: Customer is billed based on the hourly, monthly, yearly or metric specific pricing based on the consumption of Open Telekom Cloud or T-Systems International GmbH Services.

Please refer to Open Telekom Cloud ‘Service Specifications & Additional Terms and Conditions’ for pricing details.


The list of terminologies which are used in the user guide.




The Seller on the Open Telekom Cloud Marketplace is an independent software provider who can be part of the Open Telekom Cloud Programs Circle Partner or Techboost or be an Open Telekom Cloud customer.


Buyer and user of a product offering from the Marketplace.

Product Offering

is the seller's published software (incl. service type of the Open Telekom Cloud, license type and seller's software name) on the Marketplace.