
Section covers the features available for Seller from becoming a seller, publishing a Product Offering to enabling end of life for Product Offering.

Become a Seller

Pre-requisite: OTC user with Tenant Admin Role

Click on ‘Become a Seller’. Please refer to Diagram 1.

Diagram 1 Become a Seller

Diagram 1 Become a Seller

Next, you will be redirected to the screen below (Diagram 2) to validate the Pre-Requisite (OTC user with Tenant Admin Role) to become a Seller.

Diagram 2 Login (Validate OTC user with Tenant Admin role)

Diagram 2 Login (Validate OTC user with Tenant Admin role)

After login, you are directed to provide basic Organizational Information of your company and accept the Terms and Conditions.

Please refer to Diagram 3.

Diagram 3 Seller Organizational Information

Diagram 3 Seller Organizational Information

After the request is submitted, Open Telekom Cloud will activate the Seller and will keep you informed via e-mail (Seller E-mail) about the request.


Login is only possible after the user has become a Seller. Click on the ‘Seller Login’ to access the Marketplace Seller Center (Diagram 4).

Note: It is recommended to use Chrome or Microsoft Edge to login as the seller.

Diagram 4a Seller Login

Diagram 4a Seller Login

Only OTC user with ‘Tenant Administration’ role can login in Marketplace Beta now.

Diagram 4b Seller Login

Diagram 4b Seller Login

If the login is successful, then you are directed to the Marketplace Homepage (Diagram 5).

Diagram 5 Marketplace Homepage

Diagram 5 Marketplace Homepage

Login via MyWorkplace

If user wants to use ‘MyWorkplace’, User needs to find the corresponding IAM user for his/her ‘MyWorkplace’ account.

The process is straight forward. User needs to login to MyWorkplace.

Diagram 6 MyWorkplace

Diagram 6 MyWorkplace

After login then please select the domain that you owned and click on it to open ‘OTC Console’.

Diagram 7 MyWorkplace Login

Diagram 7 MyWorkplace Login

It would redirect user to the ‘OTC Console’ where user can understand what is his/her Information required for login (‘Domain name’ and ‘Username’).

In the ‘OTC Console’ user can find the (‘Domain name’ and ‘Username’).

Diagram 8 OTC Console

Diagram 8 OTC Console

Reset MyWorkplace IAM User

It is very importatnt to consider that this ‘IAM User’ does not have the same ‘Password’ as ‘MyWorkplace’ which means to be able to use, user needs to reset it's credential.

To reset the ‘Password’, user needs to try to reset the password by reaching OTC Console and then click on Forgot ‘password?’.

Diagram 9 Forgot Password

Diagram 9 Forgot Password

In the following page user should put ‘Domain name’ inside the ‘Name of the administrator account’ and ‘Username’ inside the IAM user name, email and the the CAPTCHA code to request to reset the password.

Diagram 10 Reset Password

Diagram 10 Reset Password

Login via IAM

Having a user created by IAM and proper privilege, users would be able to login to Marketplace. Information required for login (‘Domain name’ and ‘Username’) can be fetched from OTC as following diagram.

Diagram 11 OTC Console

Diagram 11 OTC Console

Publish Product Offering

Sellers can use the component ‘Dashboard’ and sub-component ‘Product Offering Provisioning’ to publish the Product Offering.

Service Type: CCE, License Type: Open Source, Free, Trial

Seller can use the license type ‘Open source, free or trial’ to use offer helm chart based Product Offering. After login, please go the ‘Dashboard’.

Diagram 12 New Offering

Diagram 12 New Offering

Product Offering is the seller’s published software (incl. service type of the Open Telekom Cloud, license type and seller’s software name) on the Marketplace.

Seller has to provide Helm chart of the Seller’s software to publish CCE based Product Offering. Currently only Service Type - ‘CCE’ is available with License types ‘Open Source, Free, Trial or BYOL (Bring Your Own License).’ The key information cannot be changed once a draft is created.

Diagram 13 Product Offering (Key Information)

Diagram 13 Product Offering (Key Information)

Product Offering Name

Name of the Product Offering cannot be changed after publication.

Service Type

Service Type is the type of IaaS provided by OTC to create the offering (Prerequisite of Service Type CCE: Helm-chart of the product/service).

CCE is OTC’s Cloud Container Engine.

License Type

License type is the license option (Open Source, Free, Trial or BYOL (Bring Your own License)) to create the offering.

License Info

Field for additional information on license that the seller needs to provide to the customer.


The EULA (End User License Agreement) of the Product Offering (i.e. Seller’s Software) must be provided. The customer and seller relation is bound by the EULA.


Category of the Product Offering ex. Monitoring, Security etc. is selected.


Version of the seller’s software can be provided.

Short Description

Short description of the Product Offering can be provided in the text field.

Full Description

Detailed description of the Product Offering can be provided the text field.

Add Configuration

Seller can configure the parameters of helm charts of the Product Offering (seller’s software).

Configurations can be (Diagram 8) a “Text input” (Text or Array), Option (Text or Array) such as “Text Input” or a Toggle (Boolean) that customer needs to provide as True or False.

Text input

Option can be used for adding a key that is of type string or array.

Diagram 14 Configuration Options

Diagram 14 Configuration Options

Configuration Key

Is the equivalent of Helm Chart key. It means that rules of the Yaml shall be followed here.

For example, if inside values.yaml file there is main key as “global” and then “storageClass” as sub key, then the content of “Configuration Key” would be “global. storageClass”.

Text input label

This column is the label that customer see during configuration of deployment. Instead of the content of the key they would see this name for that configuration which means the name should be clear to understand for customer.

For example, for the key as “global. storageClass”, seller can pick up the label as “storageClass”. In that case customers would understand that they are supposed to put the name of the preferred Storage Class in here.


There are some configurations that could be optional or mandatory. If customer sets it then during deployment it would be overwrite and if not the default value form “values.yaml” would be picked up.

If there is a configuration that seller wants the customer to change it, then he/she can enable the required toggle so customers should put value for that.


Some keys include some confidential information that during filling the key by customer, it should be treated as a confidential information and the content should be hidden.

For example, if the key is the default password of the application, then the seller can enable this feature. During the configuration it would be treated as a password and content cannot be seen during filling the information.

Validation Rule

If sellers want to restrict the content that customer would write as the value of that key, he/she can put regex rule, so customer are forced to follow that rule during filling the value. For that regex rule there is a “Error message” which seller can put hint or example to help customers to understand about the condition that is required.


If seller enables that, then that configuration would be overwrite default helm chart value. However, customers are not able to see or change the content of that.

Please be aware that in that case “Default value” needs to be filled.


This is the place where seller can set this configuration as an array. If multiple has been enabled, then customer can put more than one value for that key.

Default value

If seller wants, he/she can default value for that configuration. Customers would still be able to overwrite that.

Hint text

This column could help customers by adding a hint under the label which could provide more help for Customers. It appears as a short line beneath that configuration label.

For example, for the key as “global. storageClass” with the label of “storageClass”, seller can pick up the Hint text as “Kubernetes Storage Class for disk”. In that case customer would see a label named “storageClass” and beneath that a like which says, “Kubernetes Storage Class for disk”.

Tooltip text

This column would be used to show additional help when customer hover his/her mouse on that configuration column.

For example, for the key as “global.storageClass” with the label of “storageClass”, seller can pick up the Tooltip text as “You can use kubectl get storageclass to list them”. In that case customer would see a label named “storageClass” and whenever hover his/her mouse over that label would see “You can use kubectl get storageclass to list them” above that column.


This can be used for adding a key which is the type of string or array. The only difference is that Seller makes the values to pick up prepared so customers can only pick from those lists. For instance, imagine you have a key “serviceType” and the answer should only be “ClusterIP”, “Nodeport” or “LoadBalancer”. Then the seller can pick that as the type of configuration and already add those as the pre-defined values.


Configuration Key

Is the equivalent of Helm Chart key. It means that rules of the Yaml shall be followed here.

For example, if inside values.yaml file there is main key as “global” and then “storageClass” as sub key, then the content of “Configuration Key” would be “global. storageClass”.

Optional label

This column is the label that customer see during configuration of deployment. Instead of the content of the key they would see this name for that configuration which means the name should be clear to understand for customer.

For example, for the key as “global. storageClass”, seller can pick up the label as “storageClass”. In that case customers would understand that they are supposed to put the name of the preferred Storage Class in here.


There should a list of possible values to choose and a label for reach to help customer to understand which one to choose based on the situation.


This is the place where seller can set this configuration as an array. If multiple has been enabled, then customer can put more than one value for that key.

Default value

If seller wants, he/she can default value for that configuration. Customers would still be able to overwrite that.

Hint text

This column could help customers by adding a hint under the label which could provide more help for Customers. It appears as a short line beneath that configuration label.

For example, for the key as “global. storageClass” with the label of “storageClass”, seller can pick up the Hint text as “Kubernetes Storage Class for disk”. In that case customer would see a label named “storageClass” and beneath that a like which says, “Kubernetes Storage Class for disk”.

Tooltip text

This column would be used to show additional help when customer hover his/her mouse on that configuration column.

For example, for the key as “global. storageClass” with the label of “storageClass”, seller can pick up the Tooltip text as “You can use kubectl get storageclass to list them”. In that case customer would see a label named “storageClass” and whenever hover his/her mouse over that label would see “You can use kubectl get storageclass to list them” above that column.


This can be used for adding a key which is the type of Boolean.


Configuration Key

Is the equivalent of Helm Chart key. It means that rules of the Yaml shall be followed here.

For example, if inside values.yaml file there is main key as “global” and then “storageClass” as sub key, then the content of “Configuration Key” would be “global. storageClass”


This column is the label that customer see during configuration of deployment. Instead of the content of the key they would see this name for that configuration which means the name should be clear to understand for customer.

For example, for the key as “global. storageClass”, seller can pick up the label as “storageClass”. In that case customers would understand that they are supposed to put the name of the preferred Storage Class in here.

Default State

This variable by default is whether true or false.


If seller enables that, then that configuration would be overwrite default helm chart value. However, customers are not able to see or change the content of that.

Please be aware that in that case “Default value” needs to be filled.

Tooltip text

This column would be used to show additional help when customer hover his/her mouse on that configuration column.

For example, for the key as “global. storageClass” with the label of “storageClass”, seller can pick up the Tooltip text as “You can use kubectl get storageclass to list them”. In that case customer would see a label named “storageClass” and whenever hover his/her mouse over that label would see “You can use kubectl get storageclass to list them” above that column.

Add pre-Deployment guide

Seller can provide pre-deployment information that a customer needs to know before deployment.

Information such as suggested infrastructure environment or sizing etc.

This is a good place for guiding customers who wants to use the product offering.


Add deployment guide

Although hints and tooltips that seller would add to each configuration could be descriptive, seller may prepare small document to depict how to deploy and customize that product. The whole content would be shown to customer as an installation guide.


Post post-deployment guide

Information provided to support customer after the deployment of the Product Offering. Ex. How can the customer operate seller’s product offering.


Seller Helm Chart Address

Marketplace will fetch the helm chart of the Product Offering (seller’s software) from the provided link and eventually store the helm chart in an internal repository.

Seller Helm Chart Version

Helm chart version that the Marketplace will use in Product Offering.

Requested Release Date

Seller can request a release date to publish the Product Offering.

The publication (date and time) lies solely on discretion of Marketplace due to internal processes.

Request release date is not guaranteed but will be considered to the best of case.

Submit the request

Seller can submit the request when all fields have been duly filled.

Marketplace will review the request and approve the publication.

Please note that the review process will take some time.

E-mail notification will be sent to keep you updated on the status.

Service Type: CCE, License Type: BYOL (Bring your own license)

Seller can use the option of Bring own your license to publish the helm chart based Product Offering. After login, please go the ‘Dashboard’.


Product Offering is the seller’s published software (incl. service type of the Open Telekom Cloud, license type and seller’s software name) on the Marketplace.

Seller has to provide Helm chart of the Seller’s software to publish CCE based Product Offering. Currently only Service Type - ‘CCE’ is available with License types ‘Open Source, Free, Trial or BYOL (Bring Your Own License).’ The key information cannot be changed once a draft is created.


Product Offering Name

Name of the Product Offering cannot be changed after publication.

Service Type

Service Type is the type of IaaS provided by OTC to create the offering (Prerequisite of Service Type CCE: Helm-chart of the product/service).

CCE is OTC’s Cloud Container Engine.

License Type

License type is the license option (Open Source, Free, Trial or BYOL (Bring Your own License)) to create the offering.

License Info

Field for additional information on license that the seller needs to provide to the customer.

Secret Based License

For Cloud-native products, normally customers are supposed to prepare a Kubernetes secret including the content of secret as a license file. Seller can user this toggle to activate that.

When this has been activated then seller can let the customers know what the secret name inside Kubernetes would be and what would be the file name of the license inside that secret. This means that anytime a customer deploys that product then before the deployment a Kubernetes secret named “Secret Name” having a file name as “License File Name” containing customer's license key would be created.

Secret Name

If the product is a cloud-native application and the activation would be automatically, then Kubernetes Secret is required. Here seller can set the secret name which is supposed to be created before deployment of the Helm Chart

Filename in the secret

Here seller can set the license filename inside the Kubernetes secret.

Licensing Guide

If the product is not a cloud-native application and the activation would be manually, then no Kubernetes Secret is required. Then the seller is supposed to deactivate the “License Secret Creation”.

In that case the seller might have documentation already available and all he/she should do is to put the documentation link here so Customers can reach and learn about the activation.


The EULA (End User License Agreement) of the Product Offering (i.e. Seller’s Software) must be provided. The customer and seller relation is bound by the EULA.


Category of the Product Offering ex. Monitoring, Security etc. is selected.


Version of the seller’s software can be provided.

Short Description

Short description of the Product Offering can be provided in the text field.

Full Description

Detailed description of the Product Offering can be provided the text field.


Logo of the Seller’s software can be uploaded in the section.

Add Configuration

Seller can configure the parameters of helm charts of the Product Offering (seller’s software).

Configurations can be (Diagram 8) a “Text input” (Text or Array), Option (Text or Array) such as “Text Input” or a Toggle (Boolean) that customer needs to provide as True or False.

Text input

Option can be used for adding a key that is of type string or array.

Diagram 8 Configuration Options

Diagram 8 Configuration Options

Configuration Key

Is the equivalent of Helm Chart key. It means that rules of the Yaml shall be followed here.

For example, if inside values.yaml file there is main key as “global” and then “storageClass” as sub key, then the content of “Configuration Key” would be “global. storageClass”.

Text input label

This column is the label that customer see during configuration of deployment. Instead of the content of the key they would see this name for that configuration which means the name should be clear to understand for customer.

For example, for the key as “global. storageClass”, seller can pick up the label as “storageClass”. In that case customers would understand that they are supposed to put the name of the preferred Storage Class in here.


There are some configurations that could be optional or mandatory. If customer sets it then during deployment it would be overwrite and if not the default value form “values.yaml” would be picked up.

If there is a configuration that seller wants the customer to change it, then he/she can enable the required toggle so customers should put value for that.


Some keys include some confidential information that during filling the key by customer, it should be treated as a confidential information and the content should be hidden.

For example, if the key is the default password of the application, then the seller can enable this feature. During the configuration it would be treated as a password and content cannot be seen during filling the information.

Validation Rule

If sellers want to restrict the content that customer would write as the value of that key, he/she can put regex rule, so customer are forced to follow that rule during filling the value. For that regex rule there is a “Error message” which seller can put hint or example to help customers to understand about the condition that is required.


If seller enables that, then that configuration would be overwrite default helm chart value. However, customers are not able to see or change the content of that.

Please be aware that in that case “Default value” needs to be filled.


This is the place where seller can set this configuration as an array. If multiple has been enabled, then customer can put more than one value for that key.

Default value

If seller wants, he/she can default value for that configuration. Customers would still be able to overwrite that.

Hint text

This column could help customers by adding a hint under the label which could provide more help for Customers. It appears as a short line beneath that configuration label.

For example, for the key as “global. storageClass” with the label of “storageClass”, seller can pick up the Hint text as “Kubernetes Storage Class for disk”. In that case customer would see a label named “storageClass” and beneath that a like which says, “Kubernetes Storage Class for disk”.

Tooltip text

This column would be used to show additional help when customer hover his/her mouse on that configuration column.

For example, for the key as “global.storageClass” with the label of “storageClass”, seller can pick up the Tooltip text as “You can use kubectl get storageclass to list them”. In that case customer would see a label named “storageClass” and whenever hover his/her mouse over that label would see “You can use kubectl get storageclass to list them” above that column.


This can be used for adding a key which is the type of string or array. The only difference is that Seller makes the values to pick up prepared so customers can only pick from those lists. For instance, imagine you have a key “serviceType” and the answer should only be “ClusterIP”, “Nodeport” or “LoadBalancer”. Then the seller can pick that as the type of configuration and already add those as the pre-defined values.

Configuration Key

Is the equivalent of Helm Chart key. It means that rules of the Yaml shall be followed here.

For example, if inside values.yaml file there is main key as “global” and then “storageClass” as sub key, then the content of “Configuration Key” would be “global. storageClass”.

Optional label

This column is the label that customer see during configuration of deployment. Instead of the content of the key they would see this name for that configuration which means the name should be clear to understand for customer.

For example, for the key as “global. storageClass”, seller can pick up the label as “storageClass”. In that case customers would understand that they are supposed to put the name of the preferred Storage Class in here.


There should a list of possible values to choose and a label for reach to help customer to understand which one to choose based on the situation.


This is the place where seller can set this configuration as an array. If multiple has been enabled, then customer can put more than one value for that key.

Default value

If seller wants, he/she can default value for that configuration. Customers would still be able to overwrite that.

Hint text

This column could help customers by adding a hint under the label which could provide more help for Customers. It appears as a short line beneath that configuration label.

For example, for the key as “global. storageClass” with the label of “storageClass”, seller can pick up the Hint text as “Kubernetes Storage Class for disk”. In that case customer would see a label named “storageClass” and beneath that a like which says, “Kubernetes Storage Class for disk”.

Tooltip text

This column would be used to show additional help when customer hover his/her mouse on that configuration column.

For example, for the key as “global. storageClass” with the label of “storageClass”, seller can pick up the Tooltip text as “You can use kubectl get storageclass to list them”. In that case customer would see a label named “storageClass” and whenever hover his/her mouse over that label would see “You can use kubectl get storageclass to list them” above that column.


This can be used for adding a key which is the type of Boolean.

Configuration Key

Is the equivalent of Helm Chart key. It means that rules of the Yaml shall be followed here.

For example, if inside values.yaml file there is main key as “global” and then “storageClass” as sub key, then the content of “Configuration Key” would be “global. storageClass”


This column is the label that customer see during configuration of deployment. Instead of the content of the key they would see this name for that configuration which means the name should be clear to understand for customer.

For example, for the key as “global. storageClass”, seller can pick up the label as “storageClass”. In that case customers would understand that they are supposed to put the name of the preferred Storage Class in here.

Default State

This variable by default is whether true or false.


If seller enables that, then that configuration would be overwrite default helm chart value. However, customers are not able to see or change the content of that.

Please be aware that in that case “Default value” needs to be filled.

Tooltip text

This column would be used to show additional help when customer hover his/her mouse on that configuration column.

For example, for the key as “global. storageClass” with the label of “storageClass”, seller can pick up the Tooltip text as “You can use kubectl get storageclass to list them”. In that case customer would see a label named “storageClass” and whenever hover his/her mouse over that label would see “You can use kubectl get storageclass to list them” above that column.

Add pre-Deployment guide

Seller can provide pre-deployment information that a customer needs to know before deployment.

Information such as suggested infrastructure environment or sizing etc.

This is a good place for guiding customers who wants to use the product offering.


Add deployment guide

Although hints and tooltips that seller would add to each configuration could be descriptive, seller may prepare small document to depict how to deploy and customize that product. The whole content would be shown to customer as an installation guide.


Post post-deployment guide

Information provided to support customer after the deployment of the Product Offering. Ex. How can the customer operate seller’s product offering.


Seller Helm Chart Address

Marketplace will fetch the helm chart of the Product Offering (seller’s software) from the provided link and eventually store the helm chart in an internal repository.

Seller Helm Chart Version

Helm chart version that the Marketplace will use in Product Offering.

Requested Release Date

Seller can request a release date to publish the Product Offering.

The publication (date and time) lies solely on discretion of Marketplace due to internal processes.

Request release date is not guaranteed but will be considered to the best of case.

Submit the request

Seller can submit the request when all fields have been duly filled.

Marketplace will review the request and approve the publication.

Please note that the review process will take some time.

E-mail notification will be sent to keep you updated on the status.

Test Deploy

Seller has the option to test the Product Offering via ‘Test Deploy’ button.

Test Deploy feature gives the Seller a possibility to test the configurations set.

It is highly advisable to test the Product Offering in order to submit a valid request for publication and to ensure a working Product Offering is offered to customers.

Test deployment may incur charges based on the infrastructure used to test the Product Offering.

Seller Dashboard

After a successful login, Seller would use the dashboard to manage the Offerings. This page is available to click on the top right corner of the page. Dashboard has been divided into two sections which we would discuss the details in below.



By clicking in Product section in dashboard, Sellers can see all the products which have been created by themselves. It would show the status of them, available revisions which customers can see and use (In any has been approved by Marketplace to be shown), the type of the product (which could be CCE), Licensing Model (which could be Free, Open source or BYOL) and if the Product EOL has been set for that or not.

Seller can Edit each “Product Offering” to manage the it by updating, Unpublish/Publish or even putting it to the “End of Life status”.

Details of how to do each action would be discussed in the corresponding pages.



Every time a deployment has been happened by seller, the status of that including the State, time and the name of the product would be recorded here so sellers can see if the deployment has been successful or not.


Product Lifecycle

When a product has been created in Marketplace there are some activities which need to be done which requires some technical activities. Having said that, a product would have states as “Unpublished”, “Published” and “End of Life (EOL)”.


Unpublish is a temporary state which hide a product from customers to find and use which is revertible. When a Product born, the status of that would be “Unpublished”. This means this could not be seen by any customer at all. When the first version of its details (revision) gets approved then State of the product would change to “Published” that makes it possible for customers to see and use it in Marketplace. The state of product remains “Published” until Seller or Marketplace decide to change the status of that.

Please keep this in mind that status of Product and its revisions decide when a product would be visible to use.


This the status of the product when it is active and can be shown to customers. Normally a product would remain as “Published” until a decision to hide temporarily or permanently that from Marketplace has been planned.

Please keep this in mind that status of Product and its revisions decide when a product would be visible to use.

“End of Life (EOL)”

A product would be available in Marketplace forever, until the seller has decided to off-board that from Marketplace. For instance, when a seller decides to retire his/her product form market and not support that anymore or when a re-branding has happened, and the product is supposed to be presented with new commercial name. in that case the seller can off-board the product from Marketplace. In Marketplace there a concrete rule for off-boarding based on the time of request as following:

  • If the request submitted until the middle of current month, then Marketplace would set the EOL time as the end of current month.

  • If the request submitted in the next half of the month, then Marketplace would set the EOL time as the end of upcoming month.

After the time for EOL has been reached, then none can see and use that product in the Marketplace.

Please be aware that this process is irreversible, and Seller cannot bring that product back to business anymore!

Revision Lifecycle

A Product is just an entity that represent an output regarding the application that seller wants to present inside Marketplace It would remain the same forever until a product get retired. Revision, however, is the list of attributes of that product which would change eventually. For instance, description, logo, configurations or even the price can change anytime. Revisions are the why to present changes of the same product every time the seller wants to update his/her product.

Revisions as needed to be approved by Marketplace has also lifecycle. Every time the seller wants to update a product, he/she should create a new revision and make sure that it is fine for the customers to use then Marketplace would take care of the reset of technical tasks. Eventually the new update of product (by on boarding the new revision) would be shown to customers on specific time that has been set for that revision by Marketplace.

Revision lifecycle would be as bellow.


The first time a revision has been created the status of that revision is “Draft”. This means this the time that Seller can play with the details and add as much information as he/she wants. During this time seller has the option to spend as much time as he/she needs to prepare the update for that product.


After all changes that the seller wanted has been done, he/she would submit this new revision to marketplace. It is time for Marketplace to review the information of that and make sure all technical requirements have been done and customers would be able to use the product with this revision or not.


There might be some situations that the revision which has been offered by seller has some technical issue and marketplace want seller to take care of that. In that case the revision gets rejected and Seller would get informed about the reason of rejection.

A rejected revision can simply get back to “Draft” so seller can take care of the reason of rejection.


Finally, when the revision got reviewed by Marketplace and passed all the concerns of Marketplace, then the revision gets approved and can be shown to the customer at specific time which has been set by Marketplace.

Please be aware when a new revision of a product got approve, at the time of release, the old approve one will not be shown to customer and would be replaced by new one.

Update Product Offering

When a product has been released, it means it has the first revision approved that all details has been approved by marketplace. However, as all products eventually got new technical updates, Seller can update the content by updating that product by a new revision.

This process looks the same when seller created the Offering for the first time with only slight changes that the name, service type and the license type cannot be changed as we discussed previously during product creation.

The rest of the procedure and configuration would be the same as creating the product for the first time.

To update the product seller needs to click on “Dashboard” on the top right corner and then “Offering”.


There he/she can pick up the Offering he/she wants to update.


If there is already a revision with the status of “Draft”, then seller can edit that and continue working on that. If not, Seller has two options to create a new revision to update the product.

One way is to click on “New Revision” which automatically create a new revision with the exact data of the last approved revision for the ease of convenience.

The other way is to edit any already-approved revision and click to create a new revision out of it.


Unpublish/Re-Publish Product

There might be some reason that the seller/Marketplace want a product to be hidden from customers for coupe of day because of specific reason.

For instance, if there is a security issue on the current product and seller needs time to come up with a new version then the seller can temporarily hide the product by switching the product to “Unpublish”.

To unpublish a product, seller needs to click on “Dashboard” on the top right corner and then “Products”.

image1There he/she can pick up the Offering he/she wants to Unpublish.


Then there is a button named “Unpublish”. Seller can select that and change that product state to “Unpublished”.


Reverting the process is as Unpublishing. Seller just needs to select the product and this time click on the button named “Publish”.

Put Offering into “End of Life”

A product would be available in Marketplace forever, until the seller has decided to off-board that from Marketplace. For instance, when a seller decides to retire his/her product form market and not support that anymore or when a re-branding has happened, and the product is supposed to be presented with new commercial name. in that case the seller can off-board the product from Marketplace. In Marketplace there a concrete rule for off-boarding based on the time of request as following:

  • If the request submitted until the middle of current month, then Marketplace would set the EOL time as the end of current month.

  • If the request submitted in the next half of the month, then Marketplace would set the EOL time as the end of upcoming month.

To put a product into “End of Life”, seller needs to click on “Dashboard” on the top right corner.


Then select “Offering”. There he/she can pick up the Product he/she wants to retire.


Then there is a button named “End of Life”.


Please be aware that this process is irreversible, and Seller cannot bring that product back to business anymore!