2024-05-27 | Modified the following content: Added the image format description of the is_quick_export parameter for quickly exporting images in Exporting an Image. |
2024-01-15 | Modified the following content: Added a description for os_version and the value IsoImage for type in Creating an Image. |
2023-12-22 | Modified the following content: |
2023-03-23 | Added the following content: Introduction Modified the following content: |
2023-02-01 | Modified the following content: |
2022-12-22 | Modified the following content: Deleted is_config_init from the example request in Creating an Image. Added the sub_jobs_result and sub_jobs_list response parameters in Querying the Status of an Asynchronous Job. Modified disk_format description in Querying Images, Querying Images (Native OpenStack API), Querying Image Details (Native OpenStack API), and Image Attributes. Added error codes IMG.0161, IMG.0162, IMG.0163, IMG.0164, IMG.0212, IMG.0238, IMG.0239, IMG.0241, IMG.0242, and IMG.1075 in Error Codes.
2022-12-01 | Modified the following content: |
2022-10-31 | Added the following content: Modified the following content: Added parameter _support_fc_inject in Querying Images, Updating Image Information, Querying Images (Native OpenStack API), Querying Image Details (Native OpenStack API), and Updating Image Information (Native OpenStack API). Modified Creating an Image to allow users to create system disk images using data disks. Modified the os_version description and added parameters data_images and is_quick_import to support quick import of multiple disks in Creating an Image. Added request parameter delete_backup to allow users to delete CSBS backups when deleting a full-ECS image in Deleting an Image (Native OpenStack API). Added more values for __os_version in Values of Related Parameters. Added the __system__cmkid parameter in Querying Images. Then, you can filter images by key ID. Added constraints on sharing encrypted images in Adding Image Sharing Members and Adding an Image Sharing Member (Native OpenStack API). Changed the maximum number of tenants that a system disk image or data disk image can be shared with to 256 in Restrictions on Image Sharing. Sharing full-ECS images is supported. Modified the following content: Modified the status description in Updating the Sharing Status for Images and Updating the Image Sharing Status (Native OpenStack API). Added parameter __is_offshelved in Querying Images, Updating Image Information, Querying Images (Native OpenStack API), Querying Image Details (Native OpenStack API), and Updating Image Information (Native OpenStack API). Deleted the __support_kvm_fpga_type parameter from the response examples in Querying Images, Querying Images (Native OpenStack API), and Querying Image Details (Native OpenStack API). Added error codes IMG.0198, IMG.0197, IMG.0196, IMG.0195, and IMG.0194 in Error Codes. Modified the values of __lazyloading.
Deleted the following content: |
2021-08-15 | Modified the following content: |
2020-08-12 | Modified the following content: A CBR backup can be used to create a full-ECS image. The following changes are involved: |
2020-07-20 | Modified the following content: |
2019-11-15 | Modified the following content: |
2019-03-13 | Modified the following content: Added Native OpenStack APIs. |
2019-02-13 | Modified the following content: |
2019-01-30 | Modified the following content: |
2018-09-30 | Added the following content: Modified the following content: |
2018-08-30 | Added the following content: |
2018-07-30 | Modified the following content: |
2018-06-30 | Added the following content: |
2018-04-30 | Modified the following content: |
2018-03-30 | Added the following content: |
2018-01-30 | Added the following content: |
2017-12-30 | Added the following content: |
2017-11-30 | Added the following content: |
2017-10-30 | Modified the following content: |
2017-09-30 | Added the following content: Modified the following content: |
2017-08-30 | Added the following content: |
2017-07-29 | Added the following content: |
2017-06-30 | Modified the following content: |
2017-05-30 | Added the following content: |
2017-03-30 | Modified the following content: |
2017-02-28 | Added the following content: Modified the following content: |
2017-02-08 | Modified the following content: |
2017-01-20 | Added the following content: Modified the following content: |
2016-11-24 | Added the following content: Added the Anti-DDoS and KMS services in "Regions and Endpoints." Supported the upload of image files in format of QCOW2, VMDK, VHD, and ZVHD. Added the file_format parameter in Exporting an Image.
Modified the following content: Modified the operation for generating the AK and SK. Optimized descriptions about parameters min_disk, min_ram, status, created_at, and updated_at in multiple sections.
2016-10-29 | Added the following content: |
2016-09-30 | Modified the following content: |
2016-09-18 | Added the following content: Added "Registering an Image File as a Private Image". Added "Exporting an Image". Added "Sharing an Image".
Modified the following content: |
2016-08-25 | Added the following content: |
2016-06-16 | Added the following content: |
2016-04-14 | Modified the following content: Modified the URL parameter description in "Service Usage". Modified the procedure for making API calls for token authentication. Added the Identity and Access Management (IAM) service in Regions and Endpoints.
2016-03-09 | This issue is the first official release. |