Managing the Alarm Whitelist

You can configure the alarm whitelist to reduce false alarms. Events can be deleted from the whitelist.

Whitelisted events will not trigger alarms.

On the Alarms page, you can add falsely reported alarms to the alarm whitelist. After an alarm is added to the whitelist, HSS will not generate alarms or collect statistics on it.

Adding Events to the Alarm Whitelist

Table 1 Configuring the alarm whitelist



Add to alarm whitelist

Choose to add the alarm to the whitelist when handling it.

The following types of events can be added to the alarm whitelist:

  • Reverse shells

  • Ransomware

  • Malicious programs

  • Web shell

  • Abnormal process behaviors

  • Process privilege escalations

  • File privilege escalations

  • High-risk command executions

  • Malicious programs

  • Important file changes

  • File/Directory changes

  • Abnormal shells

  • Suspicious crontab tasks

  • Invalid accounts

  • Common vulnerability exploits

Checking the Alarm Whitelist

Perform the following steps to check the alarm whitelist:

  1. Log in to the management console.

  2. Click image1 in the upper left corner of the page, select a region, and choose Security > HSS. The HSS page is displayed.

  3. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Detection > Whitelists.

  4. Click Alarm Whitelist to view the added alarm whitelist. For more information, see Table 2.

    Table 2 Parameter description

    Parameter Name


    Alarm Type

    Name of the alarm whitelist type.


    Hash value of the target file.


    Description of the target whitelist.


    Time when an alarm is added to the whitelist.

    Enterprise Project

    Enterprise project