Configuring Basic Settings


After a function is created, Memory (MB), Handler, and Execution Timeout (s) are automatically set based on your runtime. If needed, modify them based on this section.


You have created a function.


  1. Log in to the FunctionGraph console. In the navigation pane, choose Functions > Function List.

  2. Click the function to be configured to go to the function details page.

  3. Choose Configuration > Basic Settings and configure parameters based on Table 1. Parameters marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

    Table 1 Basic settings




    After a function is created, it is automatically categorized into the default app and cannot be switched to other apps.


    NOTICE: An app acts like a folder. In the future, functions will be managed by label for better experience.


    • For a Node.js, Python, or PHP function, the handler must be named in the format of [file name].[function name], which must contain a period (.).

      Example: myfunction.handler

    • For a Java function, the handler must be named in the format of [package name].[class name].[execution function name].

      Example: com.xxxxx.exp.Myfunction.myHandler

    • For a Go function, the handler name must be the same as the executable file name in the uploaded code package.

      Example: If the executable file is handler, set this parameter to handler.

    *Enterprise Project

    Select a created enterprise project and add the function to it. By default, default is selected.

    *Execution Timeout (s)

    Maximum duration the function can be executed. You can set this parameter on the Configuration tab page. If the execution takes longer than 90s, use asynchronous invocation.

    The value ranges from 3s to 259,200s.

    Memory (MB)

    Memory of a function instance. Options: 128, 256, 512, 768, 1024, 1280, 1536, 1792, 2048, 2560, 3072, 3584, 4096, 8192, 10,240.


    Description of the function, which cannot exceed 512 characters.

  4. Click Save.