Viewing Kafka Metrics

Cloud Eye monitors Kafka instance metrics in real time. You can view these metrics on the Cloud Eye console.


At least one Kafka instance has been created. The instance has at least one available message.


  1. Log in to the console.

  2. Click image1 in the upper left corner to select a region.


    Select the region where your Kafka instance is located.

  3. Click Service List and choose Application > Distributed Message Service. The Kafka instance list is displayed.

  4. View the instance metrics in either of the following ways:

    • In the row containing the desired instance, click View Metric. The Cloud Eye console is displayed. Click By Instance, By Broker, By Topic, By Consumer Group, or By Smart Connect to view monitoring data. The data is updated every minute.

    • Click the desired Kafka instance to view its details. Choose Monitoring. The monitoring data can be viewed on the By Instance, By Broker, By Topic, By Consumer Group, and By Smart Connect tab pages. The data is updated every minute.