Viewing Kafka Topic Details

On the Kafka console, you can view basic information, partition and producer information, and subscriptions of a topic.


  1. Log in to the console.

  2. Click image1 in the upper left corner to select a region.


    Select the region where your Kafka instance is located.

  3. Click Service List and choose Application > Distributed Message Service. The Kafka instance list is displayed.

  4. Click the desired Kafka instance to view its details.

  5. In the navigation pane, choose Topics.

  6. Click a topic to view its details.

    The general information, subscriptions, partitions, and producers are displayed.

    • General information: topic name, brokers, partitions, and creation time


      • For topics created much earlier, creation time is not displayed on the topic details page. See the console.

      • For topics automatically created, and created by commands or code on the client, creation time is not displayed on the topic details page.

    • Subscriptions: consumer group name and status, Coordinator (ID), and accumulated messages

      Click Details in the Operation column or the name of a consumer group.


      If an instance contains more than 10,000 consumer groups, the subscription relationships of topics cannot be queried.

    • Partitions: partition No., minimum offset, maximum offset, number of messages, and message update time

      **Figure 1** Partitions

      Figure 1 Partitions

    • Producers: broker address, producer address, and producer connected time


      • The producer information is displayed only when a producer is producing messages into topics.

      • For topics created much earlier, Producer tab page is not displayed on the topic details page. See the console.