Listing DIS Streams¶
The Stream Management page displays all DIS streams created. After clicking a stream, you can view the following information about this stream:
Name/ID: Unique name of the DIS stream to be created. A stream name is 1 to 64 characters long. Only letters, digits, hyphens (-), and underscores (_) are allowed.
Status: Stream status.
Stream Type: Common and Advanced.
Common: Each partition supports a maximum read speed of 2 MB/s and a maximum write speed of 1 MB/s or 1,000 records/s.
Advanced: Each partition supports a maximum read speed of 10 MB/s and a maximum write speed of 5 MB/s or 2,000 records/s.
Partitions: The number of partitions into which data records in the newly created DIS stream will be distributed. Multiple partitions of a stream can concurrently transmit data to improve efficiency.
Data Retention (hours): The maximum number of hours for DIS to preserve data. Data will be deleted when the retention period expires. Value range: an integer ranging from 24 to 72. Unit: hour
Created: Time at which the DIS stream is created. The creation time is in the yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss GMT format. For example, 2017/05/09 08:00:00 GMT+08:00.
Operation: Supported operations include Delete, and View Dump Task.