Configuring an Alarm Template

APM allows you to configure alarm templates. You can create multiple alarm policies under a template and bind them to nodes.


  1. Log in to the management console.

  2. Click image1 on the left and choose Application > Application Performance Management.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose Application Monitoring > Metrics.

  4. In the tree on the left, click an application. The metric details page of the application is displayed.

  1. Click the Alarm Templates tab.

    **Figure 1** Adding an alarm template

    Figure 1 Adding an alarm template

  2. Click Add Template to add an alarm template as prompted.

    1. Enter basic information and then click Next.

      Template Name: Enter up to 64 characters. Only letters, digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-) are allowed.

      Remarks: Enter up to 512 characters. Only letters, digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-) are allowed.

    2. Click Add Alarm Policy to add an alarm policy.

      1. Basic information

        **Figure 2** Basic information

        Figure 2 Basic information

        Table 1 Basic information about an alarm policy



        Policy Name

        Custom name, which cannot be left blank.

        Only letters, digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-) are allowed. Enter up to 512 characters.

        Alarm Severity

        Severity of an alarm. Options: COMMON and CRITICAL.

        Alarm Policy Type

        Options: Single-node and Aggregate. Single-node indicates single-instance metric alarms, and Aggregate indicates aggregated metric alarms of all instances under a component.

        Monitoring Item

        Select a target monitoring item. The information about the selected item is displayed on the right.


        Metric Set

        Select a target metric set. The information about the selected metric set is displayed on the right.


      2. Alarm rule

        **Figure 3** Alarm rule

        Figure 3 Alarm rule

        Table 2 Alarm rule parameters




        (Optional) A category of metrics.


        Metric for which you want to define one or more alarm rules.

        Metric: a metric in the metric set. For example, if Monitoring Item is set to Url and Metric Set is set to total, you can select the errorCount metric.

        Operator: operation to be performed.

        Threshold: threshold of the metric.

        Alarm Condition

        Condition for triggering an alarm.

        A: the number of collection periods. Range: 1-10.

        B: the number of times the alarm is triggered. Range: 1-10. This value cannot be greater than that of A.

        C: period (in minutes) during which identical alarms will not be sent. This period cannot be shorter than 10 minutes.

        Recovery Policy

        Condition for clearing an alarm. For example, if this parameter is set to 3, the alarm status will change to "Cleared" if no alarm is generated within 3 minutes.

        Notification upon Recovery

        Whether to notify recipients of alarm clearance.

        Multi-Line Matching

        (Optional) Whether to define data in the alarm notification content line by line.

        Notification Content

        Alarm details, which contain up to 500 characters.

        • If Multi-Line Matching is enabled, the alarm notification content supports both Variable and Loop. If Multi-Line Matching is disabled, only Variable can be selected.

        • Alarm notification content. You can customize the content or select metrics as required.

        • Alarm details, which contain up to 500 characters.

        • Select required metrics. Specifically, on the right of the page, click image4 next to the target metric. The metric will then be displayed in the notification content.


      3. Notification object

      **Figure 4** Notification object

      Figure 4 Notification object

      Table 3 Alarm notification parameters



      Use default settings

      • If this option is enabled, alarms will be sent to one or more default notification objects. For details about how to set notification objects, see Alarm Notification.

      • After this option is enabled, you can no longer select notification objects from the Notification Object drop-down list.

      • If all the values in the Default column of the Notifications page are No, no default notification objects have been set. In this case, the Use default settings option on the alarm policy creation page is dimmed and cannot be enabled.

      Notification Object

      Select a notification object from the drop-down list.

      Alarms will only be sent to the selected notification objects.

    3. Click Yes.

    4. Click Next. The Bind Node page is displayed.

    5. Click Bind Node to bind nodes by environment, environment tag, or region.

      **Figure 5** Binding nodes

      Figure 5 Binding nodes

      Table 4 Node parameters




      All nodes (including those added subsequently) in all regions will be bound.


      All nodes in the selected environment will be bound.

      Environment Tag

      All nodes with the same tag will be bound.


      All nodes in the selected region will be bound.

  3. Click Yes. The information about the bound nodes is displayed in the lower part of the page, including the environment, tag, and region names.


    If there are multiple types of bound nodes, only information about the nodes with the same environment, tag, and region is displayed.

  4. Click Complete.

More Operations

After the alarm template is created, perform the operations listed in Table 5 if needed.

Table 5 Related operations



Copying a template

Click Copy in the Operation column in the row that contains the template you want to copy.

Modifying a template

Click Modify in the Operation column in the row that contains the template you want to modify.

Deleting a template

Click Delete in the Operation column in the row that contains the template you want to delete.

Starting and stopping a template

Turn on or off the button (image7) in the Operation column in the row that contains the template you want to start or stop.