Change History

Released On



This issue incorporates the following changes:

Updated the description of routetables in Table 2 in Querying Details About a VPC Endpoint. Added the note "If you do not specify this parameter, the route table ID of the VPC is returned in Gateway VPC endpoint service."


This issue incorporates the following changes:

  • Updated the description of routetables in Table 2 and Table 5 in Creating a VPC Endpoint. Added the note "This parameter is available only when you create a VPC endpoint for connecting to a gateway VPC endpoint service."

  • Updated the description of routetables in Table 3 in Querying VPC Endpoints. Added the note "This parameter is available only when you create a VPC endpoint for connecting to a gateway VPC endpoint service."


This issue incorporates the following changes:


This issue incorporates the following changes:


This issue incorporates the following changes:


This issue incorporates the following changes:

  • Added a note in Function.

  • Modified the descriptions of port_id and server_type in Table 2 and Table 5.

  • Modified the descriptions of port_id and server_type in Table 2.

  • Modified the descriptions of port_id and server_type in Table 2 and Table 4.

  • Modified the descriptions of port_id and server_type in Table 3.

  • Modified the description of dns_names in Table 5.


This issue incorporates the following changes:

  • Modified the description of port_id in Table 2 and Table 5.

  • Modified the description of port_id in Table 2.

  • Modified the description of port_id in Table 2 and Table 4.

  • Modified the description of port_id in Table 3.

  • Modified the descriptions of subnet_id, enable_dns, and dns_names in Table 2 and Table 5.

  • Modified the descriptions of enable_dns, dns_names, and subnet_id in Table 2.

  • Modified the descriptions of enable_dns, dns_names, and subnet_id in Table 3.


This issue incorporates the following changes:

  • Updated Example response in Querying Versions of VPCEP APIs.

  • Modified the description of approval_enabled in Table 2 and Table 5.

  • Modified the description of approval_enabled in Table 2.

  • Modified the description of approval_enabled in Table 4.

  • Modified the description of approval_enabled in Table 3.

  • Added description to Table 3.

  • Modified the type and description of routetables, and modified the descriptions of whitelist and enable_whitelist in Table 2. Added response parameters specification_name, endpoint_pool_id, and description to Table 5.

  • Modified the descriptions of parameters whitelist, enable_whitelist, and routetables, and added response parameters description, specification_name, and endpoint_pool_id to Table 2.

  • Modified the description of parameters whitelist, enable_whitelist, and routetables in Response and added response parameters description, specification_name, and endpoint_pool_id to Response.


This issue incorporates the following changes:


This issue incorporates the following changes:


This issue incorporates the following changes:

  • Updated the description of parameter protocol in Table 3 and Table 6.

  • Updated the description of parameter protocol in Table 3.

  • Updated the description of parameter protocol in Table 3 and Table 5.

  • Updated the description of parameter protocol in Table 5.


This issue incorporates the following changes:


This issue incorporates the following change:

Supported a maximum of 20 tags for a resource.


This issue incorporates the following change:

Optimized request parameter permissions in Batch Adding or Deleting Whitelist Records.


This issue incorporates the following change:

Changed parameter service_type from "Mandatory" to "Optional" in Creating a VPC Endpoint Service.


This issue is the first official release.