Adding Instances to and Removing Them from a Security Group


After a security group is created, you can add instances to the security group to protect the instances. You can also remove them from the security group as required.

You can add multiple instances to or remove them from a security group.

Adding Instances to a Security Group

  1. Log in to the management console.

  1. Click image1 in the upper left corner and select the desired region and project.

  2. On the console homepage, under Network, click Virtual Private Cloud.

  3. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Access Control > Security Groups.

  4. On the Security Groups page, click Manage Instance in the Operation column.

  5. On the Servers tab, click Add and add one or more servers to the current security group.

  6. On the Extension NICs tab, click Add and add one or more extension NICs to the current security group.

  7. Click OK.

Removing Instances from a Security Group

  1. Log in to the management console.

  1. Click image2 in the upper left corner and select the desired region and project.

  2. On the console homepage, under Network, click Virtual Private Cloud.

  3. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Access Control > Security Groups.

  4. On the Security Groups page, click Manage Instance in the Operation column.

  5. On the Servers tab, locate the target server and click Remove in the Operation column to remove the server from current security group.

  6. On the Extension NICs tab, locate the target extension NIC and click Remove in the Operation column to remove the NIC from the current security group.

  7. Click Yes.

Removing multiple instances from a security group

Select multiple servers and click Remove above the server list to remove the selected servers from the current security group all at once.

Select multiple extension NICs and click Remove above the extension NIC list to remove the selected extension NICs from the current security group all at once.