Storage Autoscaling


With storage autoscaling enabled, when RDS detects that you are running out of database space, it automatically scales up your storage.

Autoscaling up the storage space of a read replica does not affect that of the primary DB instance. Therefore, you can separately autoscale read replicas to meet service requirements. New storage space of read replicas after autoscaling up must be greater than or equal to that of the primary DB instance.


  • The maximum allowed storage is 4,000 GB.

  • For a primary/standby DB instance, autoscaling the storage for the primary node will also autoscale the storage for the standby node.

  • Storage autoscaling is unavailable when the DB instance is in any of the following statuses: changing instance class, upgrading a minor version, migrating the standby DB instance, and rebooting.


  1. Log in to the management console.

  2. Click image1 in the upper left corner and select a region and a project.

  3. Click Service List. Under Database, click Relational Database Service.

  4. On the Instances page, click the target DB instance or read replica (click image2 in front of a DB instance to locate the read replica).

  5. In the Storage Space area, click Configure Autoscaling.

  6. In the displayed dialog box, set the following parameters:

    Table 1 Parameter description



    Enable autoscaling

    If you select this option, autoscaling is enabled.

    Trigger If Available Storage Drops To

    If the available storage drops to a specified threshold (10%, 15%, or 20%) or 10 GB, autoscaling is triggered.

    Autoscaling Limit

    The default value range is from 40 GB to 4,000 GB. The limit must be not less than the storage of the DB instance.

  7. Click OK.