Welcome to the OTC Extensions of the OpenStack SDK and CLI!

There are several ways to access an OpenStack cloud. The ultimate way is accessing the OpenStack API directly. But that can be very tedious. The OpenStack SDK is a Python based client library that simplifies building applications to work with OpenStack clouds. The OpenStack Client is its equivalent on the command line.

This project, OTC Extensions, adds extra functionality to the SDK and the CLI offered by the Open Telekom Cloud. Technically, the OTC Extensions provide Python classes and methods to attach your own code to the cloud. They also integrate seamless into the OpenStack Client, providing many extra commands.


This documentation is split into sections, adressing major use cases. Additionally some auxiliary documentation is available:

Installation and Configuration

The installation guide explains to system administrators and developers how to setup the project from system packages, from pip, and directly from sources. OTC Extensions are easy to configure. All credentials can be configured conveniently in a few files.

Working with the CLI tool

Users who want to access Open Telekom Cloud specific services with command line tools for a shell like Bash find documentation of all of their operations and properties in this section.

Writing your own Scripts for the Cloud

Developers writing own Python code may access the API easily by using the OTC Extensions’ classes and methods. The SDK interfaces are documented in this section.

Contribute to the Project

To contribute to the project itself, developers find helpful background information and architecture specification of OTC Extensions it this section.

General Information

There is general background information about the OTC Extensions available:

  • A glossary describes important terms and their naming conventions.

  • The history explains the ancestry of this project. This may or may not be insightful if you want to understand the project’s architecture.

  • The project keeps a release history.

  • A list of issues is maintained.

  • Currently 13 services are covered by the OTC extensions.