API Overview¶
API Operations on Buckets¶
Operation | Description |
Queries the list of buckets created by the user. | |
Creates a bucket. You can add different request headers to specify the region, storage class, and permission control policy. | |
Lists objects in a bucket. You can add different request headers to obtain objects that match the specified prefix, identifier, and other requirements. | |
Checks whether the bucket metadata exists. You can query the information about the bucket region, storage class, OBS version number, and CORS configuration. | |
Obtains the bucket region information. | |
Deletes a specified bucket. Before deleting a bucket, ensure that the bucket is empty. |
API Operations on Advanced Bucket Settings¶
Operation | Description |
Creates or modifies a bucket policy. If the specified bucket already has a policy, the policy in the request will overwrite the existing one. | |
Obtains the policy information of a specified bucket. | |
Deletes the policy of a specified bucket. | |
Configures the ACL of a specified bucket. You can control the read and write permissions of a bucket through ACL settings. | |
Obtains the ACL information of a specified bucket. | |
Enables or disables the log management function of a bucket. When this function is enabled, a log record is generated for each operation on a bucket. Multiple log records are packed into a log file, which will be saved in a specified location. | |
Obtains the logging configuration of the current bucket. | |
Configures rules to automatically delete or migrate objects in a bucket. | |
Obtains the lifecycle rules configured for a specified bucket. | |
Deletes the lifecycle configuration of a bucket. | |
Enables or disables versioning for a bucket. When this function is enabled, objects of different versions can be retrieved and restored, and data can be quickly restored in case of accidental operations or application faults. | |
Obtains the versioning status of a specified bucket. | |
Configures the event notification for a bucket to ensure that the bucket owner is notified about events occur on the bucket in a secure and timely manner. | |
Obtains the notification configuration of a bucket. | |
Creates or updates the default storage class configuration of a bucket. | |
Obtains the default storage class configuration of a bucket. | |
Configures the cross-region replication function for a bucket. By activating cross-region replication, OBS can copy new objects and modified objects from a source bucket in one region to a destination bucket in a different region. | |
Obtaining the Cross-Region Replication Configuration of a Bucket | Obtains the cross-region replication configuration of a specified bucket. |
Deleting the Cross-Region Replication Configuration of a Bucket | Deletes the cross-region replication configuration of a specified bucket. |
Adds a tag to an existing bucket. After tags are added to a bucket, all service detail records (SDRs) generated by the requests for this bucket will have the same tags. You can categorize the SDRs for detailed cost analysis. | |
Obtains the tags of a specified bucket. | |
Deletes the tags of a specified bucket. | |
Sets the bucket space quota to limit the maximum storage capacity of the bucket. | |
Obtains the bucket space quota. | |
Obtains the number of objects in a bucket and the space occupied by the objects. | |
Configures an inventory rule for a bucket. OBS provides bucket inventories to facilitate your management of objects in a bucket. You can configure bucket inventories to periodically list objects in a bucket. During the listing of objects, object metadata is saved in a CSV file, which is uploaded to the specified bucket. | |
Obtains an inventory rule of a specified bucket. | |
Obtains all inventory rules of a specified bucket. | |
Deletes an inventory rule of a specified bucket. | |
Configures a custom domain name for a bucket. Once a user-defined domain name is successfully configured, the bucket can be accessed through the user-defined domain name. | |
Queries the custom domain name of a bucket. | |
Deletes the custom domain name of a bucket. | |
Creates or updates the default server-side encryption configuration for a bucket. After encryption is enabled for a bucket, objects uploaded to the bucket are encrypted with the encryption configuration the bucket. | |
Queries the default server-side encryption configuration of a bucket. | |
Deletes the default server-side encryption configuration of a bucket. | |
Configures the requester-pays function for a bucket. | |
Obtaining the Requester-Pays Configuration Information of a Bucket | Obtains the requester-pays configuration information of a bucket. |
Configures the default WORM policy and a retention period for a bucket. | |
Returns the default WORM policy of a bucket. |
API Operations for Static Website Hosting¶
Operation | Description |
Creates or updates the website hosting configuration of a bucket. OBS allows you to store static web page resources such as HTML web pages, flash files, videos, and audios in a bucket. When a client accesses these resources from the website endpoint of the bucket, the browser can directly resolve and present the resources to the client. | |
Obtaining the Static Website Hosting Configuration of a Bucket | Obtains the website hosting configuration of a bucket. |
Deleting the Static Website Hosting Configuration of a Bucket | Deletes the website hosting configuration of a bucket. |
Configures the cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) configuration of a bucket. OBS allows static web page resources to be stored in buckets. The buckets can be used as website resources. A website hosted by OBS can respond to cross-domain requests from another website only after the CORS rule is configured. | |
Obtains the CORS configuration of a bucket. | |
Deletes the CORS configuration of a bucket. | |
Checks whether the client has the permission to perform operations on the server. It is usually performed before the cross-domain access. | |
Checks whether the client has the permission to perform operations on the server. It is usually performed before the cross-domain access. |
API Operations on Objects¶
Operation | Description |
Uploads an object to a specified bucket. | |
Uploads an object to a specified bucket based on tables. | |
Creates a copy for an existing object in OBS. | |
Downloads an object. | |
Obtains the object metadata. Information such as object expiration time, version number, and CORS configuration is the object metadata. | |
Deletes a specified object. You can also carry the versionId field to delete the specified object version. | |
Deletes a batch of objects from a bucket permanently. Objects deleted in this way cannot be recovered. | |
Restores objects in the Cold storage class. You can download these objects only after they are restored. | |
Configures the ACL of a specified object. You can control the read and write permissions of objects through ACL settings. | |
Obtains the ACL configuration of a specified object. | |
Adds, modifies, or deletes metadata of uploaded objects. | |
Modifies the content of an object in a specified parallel file system from the specified location. | |
Truncates an object in a specified parallel file system to the specified size. | |
Renames an object in a specified parallel file system. | |
Configures or updates the retention period for objects uploaded to a bucket with WORM enabled. |
API Operations for Multipart Tasks¶
Operation | Description |
Queries all the multipart upload tasks that have not been merged or canceled in a bucket. | |
Initiates a multipart upload task, and obtains the globally unique multipart upload task ID for subsequent operations, such as uploading, merging, and listing parts. | |
Uploads parts for a specific multipart task. | |
Copies an object or a part of the object as a part of a multipart task. | |
Queries information about all parts of a multipart task. | |
Merges the specified parts into a complete object. | |
Cancels a multipart upload task. |