Obtaining the Event Notification Configuration of a Bucket


This operation obtains the notification configuration of a bucket.

To perform this operation, you must have the GetBucketNotification permission. By default, the permission is granted to the bucket owner only. However, it can be granted to other users by configuring the bucket policy or user policy.

Request Syntax

GET /?notification HTTP/1.1
Host: bucketname.obs.region.example.com
Date: date
Authorization: authorization

Request Parameters

This request contains no message parameters.

Request Headers

This request uses common headers. For details, see Table 3.

Request Elements

This request involves no elements.

Response Syntax

HTTP/1.1 status_code
Content-Type: type
Date: date
Content-Length: length

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<NotificationConfiguration xmlns="http://obs.example.com/doc/2015-06-30/">

Response Headers

The response to the request uses common headers. For details, see Table 1.

Response Elements

This response contains elements to detail the configuration. Table 1 describes the elements.

Table 1 Response elements for configuring event notifications




Element for configuring the event notification function of a bucket. If this element is null, the function is disabled.

Type: container

Parent: none

Child: one or more TopicConfiguration elements


Element for configuring the event notification topic.

Type: container

Parent: NotificationConfiguration

Child: Id, Filter, Topic, and one or more Event elements


URN of the event notification topic. After detecting a specific event in the bucket, OBS sends a message to the topic.

Type: string

Parent: TopicConfiguration


Unique ID of each event notification. If the ID is not specified, OBS automatically assigns an ID.

Type: string

Parent: TopicConfiguration


Element used to store rules of filtering object names.

Type: container

Parent: TopicConfiguration

Child: Object


Element used to store rules of filtering object names.

Type: container

Parent: TopicConfiguration


Element that defines key-value pairs of the filtering rule.

Type: container

Parent: Object

Child: Name and Value


Prefix or suffix of object names for filtering

Type: string

Parent: FilterRule

Value options: prefix, suffix


Keywords of object names so that objects can be filtered based on the prefixes or suffixes

Type: string

Parent: FilterRule


Type of events that need to be notified


Multiple event types can be added in one TopicConfiguration element.

Type: string

Value options:

The following values can be used to upload an object:

  • ObjectCreated:Put

  • ObjectCreated:Post

  • ObjectCreated:Copy

  • ObjectCreated:CompleteMultipartUpload

Or use wildcard characters to support all upload operations:

  • ObjectCreated:*

The following values can be used to delete an object:

  • ObjectRemoved:Delete

  • ObjectRemoved:DeleteMarkerCreated

Or use wildcard characters to support all delete operations:

  • ObjectRemoved:*

Parent: TopicConfiguration

Error Responses

No special error responses are returned. For details about error responses, see Table 2.

Sample Request

GET /?notification HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: curl/7.29.0
Host: examplebucket.obs.region.example.com
Accept: */*
Date: WED, 01 Jul 2015 03:16:32 GMT
Authorization: OBS H4IPJX0TQTHTHEBQQCEC:r5+2zwPTKwupMg6lkeTUUqPcHfQ=

Sample Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: OBS
x-obs-request-id: 900B000001643FDDD751B37BA87590D8
Content-Type: application/xml
Date: WED, 01 Jul 2015 03:16:32 GMT
Content-Length: 490

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<NotificationConfiguration xmlns="http://obs.example.com/doc/2015-06-30/">