Creating a Dedicated Load Balancer¶
You have prepared everything required for creating a load balancer. For details, see Preparations for Creating a Load Balancer.
In the eu-de region, you can create both dedicated and shared load balancers, and you can create either type of load balancers on the management console or by calling APIs.
In the eu-nl region, you can only create dedicated load balancers, either on the console or by calling APIs.
After a load balancer is created, the VPC cannot be changed. If you want to change the VPC, create a load balancer and select a different VPC.
If a load balancer status is unhealthy, submit a service ticket to seek technical support.
To ping the IP address of a load balancer, you need to add a listener to it.
Log in to the management console.
In the upper left corner of the page, click
and select the desired region and project.
in the upper left corner to display Service List and choose Network > Elastic Load Balancing.
On the Load Balancers page, click Create Elastic Load Balancer. Configure the parameters based on Table 1.
Table 1 Parameters for configuring the basic information¶ Parameter
Example Value
Specifies the type of the load balancer.
Specifies the desired region. Resources in different regions cannot communicate with each other over internal networks. For lower network latency and faster access to resources, select the nearest region.
Specifies the AZ of the load balancer. You can deploy a load balancer in multiple AZs for high availability. If an AZ becomes faulty or unavailable, the load balancers in other AZs can route requests to backend servers to ensure service continuity and improve application reliability.
If you deploy a load balancer in multiple AZs, its performance such as the number of new connections and the number of concurrent connections will multiply. For example, if you deploy a dedicated load balancer in two AZs, it can handle up to 40 million concurrent connections.
If requests are from the Internet, the load balancer in each AZ you select routes the requests based on source IP addresses. If you deploy a load balancer in two AZs, the requests the load balancers can handle will be doubled.
For requests from a private network:
If clients are in an AZ you have selected when you created the load balancer, requests are distributed by the load balancer in this AZ. If the load balancer becomes unavailable, requests are distributed by the load balancer in another AZ you have selected.
If the load balancer is available but the connections that the load balancer needs to handle exceed the amount defined in the specifications, service may be interrupted. To address this issue, you need upgrade specifications.
If clients are in an AZ that is not selected when you created the load balancer, requests are distributed by the load balancer in each AZ you select based on source IP addresses.
If requests are from a Direct Connect connection, the load balancer in the same AZ as the Direct Connect connection routes the requests. If the load balancer is unavailable, requests are distributed by the load balancer in another AZ.
If clients are in a VPC that is different from where the load balancer works, the load balancer in the AZ where the original VPC subnet resides routes the requests. If the load balancer is unavailable, requests are distributed by the load balancer in another AZ.
Select Elastic or Fixed.
Elastic specifications work well for fluctuating traffic, and you will be charged for how many LCUs you use.
Fixed specifications are suitable for stable traffic, and you will be charged for the specifications you select.
Select either Application load balancing (HTTP/HTTPS) or Network load balancing (TCP/UDP) or both, and then select the desired specification. You can select only one specification for Application load balancing (HTTP/HTTPS) and Network load balancing (TCP/UDP), respectively. Select the desired specifications based on your service size by referring to Specifications of Dedicated Load Balancers.
Specifies the load balancer name.
Enterprise Project
Selects an enterprise project by which cloud resources and members are centrally managed.
More > Description
Provides supplementary information about the load balancer.
More > Tag
Identifies load balancers so that they can be easily found. A tag consists of a tag key and a tag value. The tag key marks a tag, and the tag value specifies specific tag content. For details about the naming specifications, see Table 2.
A maximum of 10 tags can be added.
Key: elb_key1
Value: elb-01
Table 2 Tag naming rules¶ Item
Example Value
Tag key
Cannot be empty.
Must be unique for the same load balancer.
Can contain a maximum of 36 characters.
Can contain only the following character types:
Uppercase letters
Lowercase letters
Special characters, including hyphens (-), underscores (_), and at signs (@)
Tag value
Can contain a maximum of 43 characters.
Can contain only the following character types:
Uppercase letters
Lowercase letters
Special characters, including hyphens (-), underscores (_), and at signs (@)
Configure the network parameters based on Table 3.
Table 3 Parameters for network configurations¶ Parameter
Example Value
IP as a Backend
Specifies whether to associate backend servers that are not in the VPC of the load balancer. After this function is enabled, you can associate the backend servers with the load balancer by using their IP addresses.
To use this function, configure correct VPC routes to ensure requests can be routed to backend servers.
If you enable the IP as a backend function, more IP addresses in the subnet will be occupied. Ensure that the selected subnet has sufficient IP addresses. After you select a subnet, you can view the number of IP addresses required by the load balancer in the infotip.
Network Type
Specifies the network where the load balancer works. You can select one or more network types.
Public IPv4 network: The load balancer routes requests from the clients to backend servers over the Internet.
Private IPv4 network: The load balancer routes requests from the clients to backend servers in a VPC.
IPv6 network: An IPv6 address is assigned to the load balancer to route requests from IPv6 clients.
If you do not select any of the options, the load balancer cannot communicate with the clients after it is created. When you are using ELB or testing network connectivity, ensure that the load balancer has a public or private IP address bound.
Public IPv4 network
Specifies the VPC where the load balancer works.
Select an existing VPC or create one.
For more information about VPC, see the Virtual Private Cloud User Guide.
Frontend Subnet
Specifies the subnet where the load balancer will work.
The system assigns IP addresses to load balancers for receiving requests based on the configured network type.
IPv4 private network: assigns IPv4 private addresses.
IPv6 network: assigns IPv6 private or public addresses.
Backend Subnet
The load balancer uses the IP addresses in the backend subnet to forward requests to the backend servers.
Select Subnet of the load balancer by default.
Select an existing subnet in the VPC where the load balancer works.
Add a new subnet.
The number of IP addresses required depend on the specifications, number of AZs, and IP as a backend function you have configured when you create the load balancer. The actual number of occupied IP addresses depends on that displayed on the console.
Subnet of the load balancer
Private IPv4 network configuration
IPv4 Address
Specifies how you want the IPv4 address to be assigned.
Automatically assign IP address: The system automatically assigns an IPv4 address to the load balancer.
Manually specify IP address: Manually specify an IPv4 address to the load balancer.
Firewall rules configured for the backend subnet of the load balancer will not restrict the traffic from the clients to the load balancer. If firewall rules are configured, the clients can directly access the load balancer. To control access to the load balancer, configure access control for all listeners added to the load balancer.
For details, see Access Control.
Automatically assign IP address
IPv6 network configuration
IPv6 Address
Specifies how you want the IPv6 address to be assigned.
Firewall rules configured for the backend subnet of the load balancer will not restrict the traffic from the clients to the load balancer. If firewall rules are configured, the clients can directly access the load balancer. To control access to the load balancer, configure access control for all listeners added to the load balancer.
For details, see Access Control.
Automatically-assigned IP address
Shared Bandwidth
Specifies the shared bandwidth that the IPv6 address will be added to.
You can choose not to select a shared bandwidth, select an existing shared bandwidth, or assign a shared bandwidth.
Public IPv4 network configuration
This parameter is mandatory when Network Type is set to IPv4 public network. You can use an existing EIP or assign a new one. If you select Use existing for EIP, you need to select an existing IP address.
New EIP: The system will assign a new EIP to the load balancer.
Use existing: Select an existing IP address. 5_bgp EIPs are recommended.
By default, load balancers created in the eu-nl region are dedicated load balancers. You can unbind an EIP from a dedicated load balancer only on the ELB console if you no longer need the EIP.
If you bind a new EIP to the load balancer and specify a shared bandwidth, this EIP will be added to the shared bandwidth.
If you set EIP to New EIP when you create a dedicated load balancer, the system will automatically assign and bind an EIP to the load balancer. This type of EIPs can also be bound to a shared load balancer. If you set EIP to Use existing, you can select one from the EIPs that were assigned when you created dedicated load balancers and have been unbound from the dedicated load balancers.
To unbind an EIP from a load balancer, locate the load balancer and choose More > Unbind EIP in the Operation column.
Billed By
Specifies the bandwidth type of the EIP.
Dedicated: You specify the maximum bandwidth. The bandwidth is suitable for fluctuating traffic.
Shared Bandwidth: The bandwidth is suitable for staggered traffic.
Shared Bandwidth
Specifies the maximum bandwidth when a new EIP is used, in Mbit/s. The value ranges from 1 Mbit/s to 1000 Mbit/s.
100 Mbit/s
Click Create Now.
Confirm the configuration and submit your request.