Stopping GDS


Stop GDS after data is imported successfully.


  1. Log in as user gds_user to the data server where GDS is installed.

  2. Select the mode of stopping GDS based on the mode of starting it.

    • If GDS is started using the gds command, perform the following operations to stop GDS:

      1. Query the GDS process ID:

        ps -ef|grep gds

        For example, the GDS process ID is 128954.

        ps -ef|grep gds
        gds_user 128954      1  0 15:03 ?        00:00:00 gds -d /input_data/ -p -l /log/gds_log.txt -D
        gds_user 129003 118723  0 15:04 pts/0    00:00:00 grep gds
      2. Run the kill command to stop GDS. 128954 in the command is the GDS process ID.

        kill -9 128954
    • If GDS is started using the command, run the following commands to stop GDS:

      cd /opt/bin/dws/gds/bin
      python3 stop