Context¶ can be used to start and stop gds if gds.conf has been configured.
Run the following commands on Linux OS: You need to ensure that the directory structure is as follows before the execution:
Content of gds.conf:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<gds name="gds1" ip="" port="8098" data_dir="/data" err_dir="/err" data_seg="100MB" err_seg="1000MB" log_file="./gds.log" host="" daemon='true' recursive="true" parallel="32"></gds>
Configuration description of gds.conf:
name: tag name
ip: IP addresses to be listened to
port: Port number to be listened to
Value range: an integer ranging from 1024 to 65535
Default value: 8098
data_dir: data file directory
err_dir: error log file directory
log_file: log file path
host: hosts that can be connected to the GDS.
recursive: whether the data file directory is recursive
Value range:
true: indicates the recursion data file directory.
false: indicates the data file directory is not recursive.
daemon: specifies whether the service is running in DAEMON mode.
Value range:
true indicates the server is running in the DAEMON mode.
false indicates the server is not running in the DAEMON mode.
parallel: indicates the number of concurrently imported and exported working threads.
The default number of concurrencies is 8 and the maximum number is 200.
Syntax¶ [ start | stop all | stop [ ip: ] port | stop | status ]
Description¶ can be used to start or stop GDS if gds.conf is configured.
Parameter Description¶
Enable the GDS configured in gds.conf.
Stop the running instance started by the configuration file in the GDS that can be disabled by the current users.
stop all
Stop all the running instances in the GDS that can be disabled by the current users.
stop [ ip: ] port
Stop the specific running GDS instance that can be closed by the current user. If ip:port is specified when the GDS is started, stop the corresponding ip:port to be specified. If the IP address is not specified when the GDS is started, you need to stop the specified port only. The stop fails if different information is specified when the GDS is started or stopped.
Query the running status of the GDS instance started by the gds.conf.
Start the GDS.
python3 start
Stop the GDS started by the configuration file.
python3 stop
Stop all the GDS instances that can be stopped by the current user.
python3 stop all
Stop the GDS instance specified by [ip:]port that can be stopped by the current user.
python3 stop
Query the GDS status.
python3 status