Before You Start¶
Before the upgrade, you can check whether your cluster can be upgraded and which versions are available on the CCE console. For details, see Process and Method of Upgrading a Cluster.
Before upgrading a cluster, pay attention to the following points:
Perform an upgrade during off-peak hours to minimize the impact on your services.
Before upgrading a cluster, learn about the features and differences of each cluster version in Kubernetes Release Notes to prevent exceptions due to the use of an incompatible cluster version. For example, check whether any APIs deprecated in the target version are used in the cluster. Otherwise, calling the APIs may fail after the upgrade. For details, see Deprecated APIs.
During a cluster upgrade, pay attention to the following points that may affect your services:
During a cluster upgrade, do not perform any operation on the cluster. Do not stop, restart, or delete nodes during cluster upgrade. Otherwise, the upgrade will fail.
Before upgrading a cluster, ensure no high-risk operations are performed in the cluster. Otherwise, the cluster upgrade may fail or the configuration may be lost after the upgrade. Common high-risk operations include modifying cluster node configurations locally and modifying the configurations of the listeners managed by CCE on the ELB console. Instead, modify configurations on the CCE console so that the modifications can be automatically inherited during the upgrade.
During a cluster upgrade, the running workloads will not be interrupted, but access to the API server will be temporarily interrupted.
By default, application scheduling is not restricted during a cluster upgrade. During an upgrade of the following early cluster versions, the taint (equivalent to NoSchedule) will be added to the nodes in the cluster and removed after the cluster is upgraded:
All v1.15 clusters
All v1.17 clusters
v1.19 clusters with patch versions earlier than or equal to v1.19.16-r4
v1.21 clusters with patch versions earlier than or equal to v1.21.7-r0
v1.23 clusters with patch versions earlier than or equal to v1.23.5-r0
Clusters of version 1.27 or later do not support nodes running EulerOS 2.5 or CentOS 7.7. If a node running EulerOS 2.5 or CentOS 7.7 is used, migrate the node OS to EulerOS release 2.9, Ubuntu 22.04, or HCE OS 2.0 before the cluster upgrade. For details, see Resetting a Node.
Notes and Constraints¶
If an error occurred during a cluster upgrade, the cluster can be rolled back using the backup data. If you perform other operations (for example, modifying cluster specifications) after a successful cluster upgrade, the cluster cannot be rolled back using the backup data.
When clusters using the tunnel network model are upgraded to v1.19.16-r4, v1.21.7-r0, v1.23.5-r0, v1.25.1-r0, or later, the SNAT rule whose destination address is the container CIDR block but the source address is not the container CIDR block will be removed. If you have configured VPC routes to directly access all pods outside the cluster, only the pods on the corresponding nodes can be directly accessed after the upgrade.
For more details, see Version Differences.
Version Differences¶
Upgrade Path | Version Difference | Self-Check |
v1.23 or v1.25 Upgraded to v1.27 | Docker is no longer recommended. Use containerd instead. For details, see Container Engines. | This item has been included in the pre-upgrade check. |
v1.23 to v1.25 | Since Kubernetes v1.25, PodSecurityPolicy has been replaced by pod Security Admission. For details, see Configuring Pod Security Admission. |
v1.19 to v1.21 | The bug of exec probe timeouts is fixed in Kubernetes 1.21. Before this bug is fixed, the exec probe does not consider the timeoutSeconds field. Instead, the probe will run indefinitely, even beyond its configured deadline. It will stop until the result is returned. If this field is not specified, the default value 1 is used. This field takes effect after the upgrade. If the probe runs over 1 second, the application health check may fail and the application may restart frequently. | Before the upgrade, check whether the timeout is properly set for the exec probe. |
kube-apiserver of CCE v1.19 or later requires that the Subject Alternative Names (SANs) field be configured for the certificate of your webhook server. Otherwise, kube-apiserver fails to call the webhook server after the upgrade, and containers cannot be started properly. Root cause: X.509 CommonName is discarded in Go v1.15. kube-apiserver of CCE v1.19 is compiled using Go v1.15. If your webhook certificate does not have SANs, kube-apiserver does not process the CommonName field of the X.509 certificate as the host name by default. As a result, the authentication fails. | Before the upgrade, check whether the SAN field is configured in the certificate of your webhook server.
Init Container (Calculated Based on spec.initContainers) | Service Container (Calculated Based on spec.containers) | Pod (Calculated Based on spec.containers and spec.initContainers) | Impacted or Not |
Guaranteed | Besteffort | Burstable | Yes |
Guaranteed | Burstable | Burstable | No |
Guaranteed | Guaranteed | Guaranteed | No |
Besteffort | Besteffort | Besteffort | No |
Besteffort | Burstable | Burstable | No |
Besteffort | Guaranteed | Burstable | Yes |
Burstable | Besteffort | Burstable | Yes |
Burstable | Burstable | Burstable | No |
Burstable | Guaranteed | Burstable | Yes |
Deprecated APIs¶
With the evolution of Kubernetes APIs, APIs are periodically reorganized or upgraded, and certain APIs are deprecated and finally deleted. The following tables list the deprecated APIs in each Kubernetes community version. For details about more deprecated APIs, see Deprecated API Migration Guide.
When an API is deprecated, the existing resources are not affected. However, when you create or edit the resources, the API version will be intercepted.
Resource Name | Deprecated API Version | Substitute API Version | Change Description |
CSIStorageCapacity | | (This API is available since v1.24.) | None |
FlowSchema and PriorityLevelConfiguration | | (This API is available since v1.26.) | None |
HorizontalPodAutoscaler | autoscaling/v2beta2 | autoscaling/v2 (This API is available since v1.23.) | None |
Resource Name | Deprecated API Version | Substitute API Version | Change Description |
CronJob | batch/v1beta1 | batch/v1 (This API is available since v1.21.) | None |
EndpointSlice | | (This API is available since v1.21.) | Pay attention to the following changes:
Event | | (This API is available since v1.19.) | Pay attention to the following changes:
HorizontalPodAutoscaler | autoscaling/v2beta1 | autoscaling/v2 (This API is available since v1.23.) | None |
PodDisruptionBudget | policy/v1beta1 | policy/v1 (This API is available since v1.21.) | If spec.selector is set to null ({}) in PodDisruptionBudget of policy/v1, all pods in the namespace are selected. (In policy/v1beta1, an empty spec.selector means that no pod will be selected.) If spec.selector is not specified, pod will be selected in neither API version. |
PodSecurityPolicy | policy/v1beta1 | None | Since v1.25, the PodSecurityPolicy resource no longer provides APIs of the policy/v1beta1 version, and the PodSecurityPolicy access controller is deleted. Use Pod Security Admission instead. |
RuntimeClass | | (This API is available since v1.20.) | None |
Resource Name | Deprecated API Version | Substitute API Version | Change Description |
MutatingWebhookConfiguration ValidatingWebhookConfiguration | | (This API is available since v1.16.) |
CustomResourceDefinition | | apiextensions/v1 (This API is available since v1.16.) |
APIService | apiregistration/v1beta1 | (This API is available since v1.10.) | None |
TokenReview | | (This API is available since v1.6.) | None |
LocalSubjectAccessReview SelfSubjectAccessReview SubjectAccessReview SelfSubjectRulesReview | | (This API is available since v1.16.) | was renamed spec.groups in v1 (patch #32709). |
CertificateSigningRequest | | (This API is available since v1.19.) | Pay attention to the following changes in
Lease | | (This API is available since v1.14.) | None |
Ingress | extensions/v1beta1 | (This API is available since v1.19.) |
IngressClass | | (This API is available since v1.19.) | None |
ClusterRole ClusterRoleBinding Role RoleBinding | | (This API is available since v1.8.) | None |
PriorityClass | | (This API is available since v1.14.) | None |
CSIDriver CSINode StorageClass VolumeAttachment | | |
Resource Name | Deprecated API Version | Substitute API Version | Change Description |
NetworkPolicy | extensions/v1beta1 | (This API is available since v1.8.) | None |
DaemonSet | extensions/v1beta1 apps/v1beta2 | apps/v1 (This API is available since v1.9.) |
Deployment | extensions/v1beta1 apps/v1beta1 apps/v1beta2 | apps/v1 (This API is available since v1.9.) |
StatefulSet | apps/v1beta1 apps/v1beta2 | apps/v1 (This API is available since v1.9.) |
ReplicaSet | extensions/v1beta1 apps/v1beta1 apps/v1beta2 | apps/v1 (This API is available since v1.9.) | spec.selector is now a mandatory field and cannot be changed after the object is created. The label of an existing template can be used as a selector for seamless migration. |
PodSecurityPolicy | extensions/v1beta1 | policy/v1beta1 (This API is available since v1.10.) | PodSecurityPolicy for the policy/v1beta1 API version will be removed in v1.25. |
Upgrade Backup¶
The following table lists how to back up cluster data.
Backup Type | Backup Object | Backup Method | Backup Duration | Rollback Duration | Description |
etcd data backup | etcd data | Automatic backup during an upgrade | 1-5 minutes | 2 hours | Mandatory. The data is automatically backed up during an upgrade. |
CBR cloud server backup | Master node disks, including component images, configurations, logs, and etcd data | One-click backup on a web page (manually triggered) | 20 minutes to 2 hours (based on the cloud backup tasks in the current region) | 20 minutes | This function is gradually replaced by EVS snapshot backup. |