Accessing a Cluster Using an X.509 Certificate


This section describes how to obtain the cluster certificate from the console and use it to access Kubernetes clusters.


  1. Log in to the CCE console and click the cluster name to access the cluster console.

  2. On the Overview page, locate the Connection Info area, and click Download next to X.509 certificate.

  3. In the Obtain Certificate dialog box displayed, select the certificate expiration time and download the X.509 certificate of the cluster as prompted.

    **Figure 1** Downloading a certificate

    Figure 1 Downloading a certificate


    • The downloaded certificate contains three files: client.key, client.crt, and ca.crt. Keep these files secure.

    • Certificates are not required for mutual access between containers in a cluster.

  4. Call native Kubernetes APIs using the cluster certificate.

    For example, run the curl command to call an API to obtain the pod information. In the following information, indicates the private IP address or EIP and port number of the API server in the cluster.

    curl --cacert ./ca.crt --cert ./client.crt --key ./client.key

    For more cluster APIs, see Kubernetes API.