Updating a Specified Cluster¶
This API is used to update information about a specified cluster.
PUT /api/v3/projects/{project_id}/clusters/{cluster_id}
Table 1 describes the parameters of this API.
Parameter | Mandatory | Description |
project_id | Yes | Project ID. For details about how to obtain the project ID, see How to Obtain Parameters in the API URI. |
cluster_id | Yes | Cluster ID. For details about how to obtain the cluster ID, see How to Obtain Parameters in the API URI. |
Request parameters:
Table 2 and Table 3 describe the request parameters.
Parameter | Mandatory | Description |
Content-Type | Yes | Message body type (format). Possible values:
X-Auth-Token | Yes | Requests for calling an API can be authenticated using either a token or AK/SK. If token-based authentication is used, this parameter is mandatory and must be set to a user token. For details on how to obtain a user token, see API Usage Guidelines. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
spec | Yes | spec object | Detailed description of the cluster targeted by this API. CCE creates or updates objects by defining or updating its spec. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
description | No | String | Cluster description. |
customSan | No | Array of strings | Custom SAN field in the server certificate of the cluster API server, which must comply with the SSL and X509 format specifications.
example: SAN 1: DNS Name=example.com SAN 2: DNS Name=www.example.com SAN 3: DNS Name=example.net SAN 4: IP Address= |
containerNetwork | No | ContainerNetworkUpdate object | Container networking parameters, including information about the container CIDR block. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
cidrs | No | Array of ContainerCIDR objects | List of container CIDR blocks. For clusters of v1.21 and later, if the cluster uses the VPC network model, container CIDR blocks can be added incrementally. The configuration cannot be changed after the cluster is updated. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
cidr | Yes | String | Container CIDR block. Recommended:,, and |
Example request:
Updating the description of a cluster
{ "spec" : { "description" : "new description" } }
Updating only the custom SAN of the cluster certificate
{ "spec" : { "customSan" : [ "", "example.com" ] } }
Updating both the cluster description and custom certificate SAN
{ "spec" : { "description" : "new description", "customSan" : [ "", "example.com" ] } }
Adding a container CIDR block for a cluster of v1.21 or later that uses the VPC network model
{ "spec" : { "containerNetwork" : { "cidrs" : [ { "cidr" : "" }, { "cidr" : "" } ] } } }
Response parameters:
For details about the response parameters, see Table 7.
Parameter | Type | Description |
kind | String | API type. For a cluster management API, the parameter must be set to Cluster and cannot be changed. |
apiVersion | String | API version. The value is fixed at v3 and cannot be changed. |
metadata | metadata object | Basic information about a cluster. metadata is a collection of attributes. |
spec | spec object | Detailed description of the cluster to be created. CCE creates or updates objects by defining or updating its spec. |
status | status object | Cluster status and jobID of the job that reads a specified cluster. |
Example response:
"kind": "Cluster",
"apiVersion": "v3",
"metadata": {
"name": "mycluster",
"uid": "4d1ecb2c-229a-11e8-9c75-0255ac100ceb",
"creationTimestamp": "2020-02-02 03:48:58.968214406 +0000 UTC",
"updateTimestamp": "2020-02-02 06:39:36.844676088 +0000 UTC"
"spec": {
"type": "VirtualMachine",
"flavor": "cce.s1.small",
"version": "v1.17.9-r0",
"description": "new description",
"az": "eu-de-01",
"ipv6enable": false,
"supportIstio": true,
"hostNetwork": {
"vpc": "4d1ecb2c-229a-11e8-9c75-0255ac100ceb",
"subnet": "4d1ecb2c-229a-11e8-9c75-0255ac100ceb",
"SecurityGroup": "5da0b181-e0a2-4981-87ac-1681545cd666"
"containerNetwork": {
"mode": "overlay_l2",
"cidr": ""
"eniNetwork": {},
"authentication": {
"mode": "rbac",
"authenticatingProxy": {}
"billingMode": 0,
"extendParam": {
"alpha.cce/fixPoolMask": "",
"kubernetes.io/cpuManagerPolicy": "",
"patchVersion": "",
"upgradefrom": ""
"kubernetesSvcIpRange": "",
"kubeProxyMode": "iptables"
"status": {
"phase": "Available",
"endpoints": [
"Internal": "",
"External": "",
"external_otc": "https://a140174a-2f3e-11e9-9f91-0255ac101405.cce.eu-de.otc.t-systems.com", },
Status Code¶
Table 8 describes the status code of this API.
Status Code | Description |
200 | Information about the specified cluster is successfully updated. |
For details about error status codes, see Status Code.