Querying Instances by Tag¶
Function Description¶
This API is used to query protected domain name instances by tag.
URI format
POST /v1/{project_id}/waf/resource_instances/action
Parameter description
Table 1 Path parameters¶ Parameter
Specifies the project ID.
Request parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
without_any_tag | No | boolean | If this parameter is set to true, all resources without tags are queried. In this case, the tags, tags_any, not_tags, and not_tags_any fields are ignored. |
tags | No | Includes specified tags. This field contains a maximum of 20 tag keys, and each tag key has a maximum of 10 tag values. The tag value corresponding to each tag key can be an empty array but the structure cannot be missing. Keys must be unique and values of a key must be unique. The response returns resources containing all tags in this list. Keys in this list are in an AND relationship while values in each key-value structure is in an OR relationship. If no tag filtering condition is specified, full data is returned. | |
tags_any | No | Includes any of the specified tags. This field contains a maximum of 20 tag keys, and each tag key has a maximum of 10 tag values. The tag value corresponding to each tag key can be an empty array but the structure cannot be missing. Keys must be unique and values of a key must be unique. The response returns resources containing the tags in this list. Keys in this list are in an OR relationship and values in each key-value structure are also in an OR relationship. If no tag filtering condition is specified, full data is returned. | |
not_tags | No | Excludes specified tags. This field contains a maximum of 20 tag keys, and each tag key has a maximum of 10 tag values. The tag value corresponding to each tag key can be an empty array but the structure cannot be missing. Keys must be unique and values of a key must be unique. The response returns resources containing no tags in this list. Keys in this list are in an AND relationship while values in each key-value structure are in an OR relationship. If no tag filtering condition is specified, full data is returned. | |
not_tags_any | No | Excludes any of the specified tags. This field contains a maximum of 20 tag keys, and each tag key has a maximum of 10 tag values. The tag value corresponding to each tag key can be an empty array but the structure cannot be missing. Keys must be unique and values of a key must be unique. The response returns resources containing no tags in this list. Keys in this list are in an OR relationship and values in each key-value structure are also in an OR relationship. If no tag filtering condition is specified, full data is returned. | |
limit | No | String | Specifies the number of records to be queried. This parameter is unavailable if action is count. If action is filter, the maximum value of limit is 1000 by default. This parameter value cannot be a negative number. The minimum value is 1. |
offset | No | String | Specifies the query index. This parameter is unavailable if action is count. If offset is set to N, the resource query starts from the N+1 piece of data. If action is set to filter, offset is 0 by default, indicating that the query starts from the first piece of data. This parameter value cannot be a negative number. |
action | Yes | String | Specifies the operation. The value can be filter or count.
matches | No | Specified the search field.
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
key | Yes | String | Specifies the key. A key contains up to 127 Unicode characters. key cannot be empty, an empty string, or spaces. Before using key, delete spaces of single-byte character (SBC) before and after the value. The system does not verify the character set of key in searching. |
values | Yes | List<String> | Specifies the list of values. Each value contains a maximum of 255 Unicode characters. Before using values, delete SBC spaces before and after the value. The value can be an empty array but cannot be left blank. The asterisk (*) is reserved for the system. If the value starts with *, fuzzy match is performed based on the value following *. The value cannot contain only asterisks (*). The system does not verify the character set of values in searching, but verifies the length of values. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
key | Yes | String | Specifies the key. The value is fixed to resource_name. |
value | Yes | String | Specifies the list of values. Each value contains a maximum of 255 Unicode characters and the character set is not verified. |
Response parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
resources | Specifies details about resources that meet the filter criteria. | |
total_count | Integer | Specifies the total number of records that meet the filter criteria. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
resource_id | String | Specifies the resource ID. |
resource_detail | Specifies details about a WAF instance. | |
tags | Specifies the tag list. If there is no tag, an empty array is used by default. | |
resource_name | String | Specifies the resource name. This parameter is left blank by default if there is no resource name. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
key | String | Specifies the key. It contains a maximum of 36 Unicode characters. The value of key must comply with Character Set Specifications. |
value | String | Specifies the value. Each value contains a maximum of 43 Unicode characters. The value must comply with Character Set Specifications. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | String | Specifies the instance ID. |
hostname | String | Specifies the domain name. |
policy_id | String | Specifies the policy ID. |
protect_status | Integer | Specifies the WAF mode.
access_status | Integer | Specifies whether a domain name is connected to WAF.
access_code | String | Specifies the access code. |
proxy | Boolean | Specifies whether a proxy is configured.
timestamp | Long | Specifies the time when a domain name is created. |
Request example
Sample request when action is set to filter
{ "offset": "100", "limit": "100", "action": "filter", "without_any_tag": "true", "matches":[ { "key": "resource_name", "value": "resource1" } ], "tags": [ { "key": "key1", "values": [ "*value1", "value2" ] } ], "tags_any": [ { "key": "key2", "values": [ "*value1", "value2" ] } ], "not_tags": [ { "key": "key3", "values": [ "*value1", "value2" ] } ], "not_tags_any": [ { "key": "key4", "values": [ "*value1", "value2" ] } ] }
Sample request when action is set to count
{ "action": "count", "matches":[ { "key": "resource_name", "value": "resource1" } ], "tags": [ { "key": "key1", "values": [ "*value1", "value2" ] } ], "tags_any": [ { "key": "key2", "values": [ "*value1", "value2" ] } ], "not_tags": [ { "key": "key3", "values": [ "*value1", "value2" ] } ], "not_tags_any": [ { "key": "key4", "values": [ "*value1", "value2" ] } ] }
Response example
Response body when action is set to filter
{ "resources": [ { "resource_detail": { "id": "1c9ca68c7f704fd398c62c070d96f5be", "proxy": false, "hostname": "www.waf.com", "access_code": "13999b0e29694c09bde09d44b13daaa6", "policy_id": "a2d8418c211e4c88b07c7f57b445a5f6", "timestamp": 1557368735574, "protect_status": 1, "access_status": 0 }, "resource_id": "cdfs_cefs_wesas_12_dsad", "resource_name": "resouece1", "tags": [ { "key": "key1", "value": "value1" }, { "key": "key2", "value": "value1" } ] } ], "total_count": 1000 }
Response body when action is set to count
{ "total_count": 1000 }
Status Code¶
Table 9 describes the normal status code returned by the API.
Status Code | Description | Meaning |
200 | OK | The request has succeeded. |
For details about error status codes, see Status Codes.