Configuring Connection Timeout¶
If you want to set a timeout duration for each request between your WAF instance and origin server, enable Timeout Settings and specify WAF-to-Server connection timeout (s), Read timeout (s), and Write timeout (s). This function cannot be disabled once it is enabled.
The default timeout duration for connections between a browser and WAF is 120 seconds, which cannot be manually set.
The default timeout duration for the connection between WAF and an origin server is 60 seconds. This topic walks you through how to customize the timeout duration.
The website you want to protect has been added to WAF.
The timeout duration for connections between a browser and WAF cannot be modified. Only timeout duration for connections between WAF and your origin server can be modified.
This function cannot be disabled once it is enabled.
Log in to the management console.
in the upper left corner of the management console and select a region or project.
in the upper left corner and choose Web Application Firewall (Dedicated) under Security.
In the navigation pane, choose Website Settings.
In the Domain Name column, click the domain name of the website to go to the basic information page.
In the Timeout Settings row, click the Status toggle and enable it if needed.
, specify WAF-to-Server connection timeout (s), Read timeout (s), and Write timeout (s), and click
to save settings.