Message Signature Verification¶
To ensure message security, SMN provides signature authentication for HTTP/HTTPS subscription confirmation messages, subscription cancellation messages, and notification messages. After you receive HTTP/HTTPS messages, check them based on the signatures.
After receiving an HTTP/HTTPS message, check it with the following procedure:
Verify the key-value pairs (which vary depending on the message type) contained in the message signature. For details, see Signature Strings for Different Message Types.
Download the X509 certificate from the certificate URL (signing_cert_url) contained in the message.
The request to download the certificate is always sent over HTTPS. When you download a certificate, verify the identity of the certificate server.
Extract the public key from the X509 certificate for verifying the message reliability and integrity.
Determine which method will be used to verify the signature based on the message type (the type field in the message).
Create signature strings. Obtain the signature parameters from the message and sort them in alphabetical order. Each parameter occupies a line, with its value following in the next line.
Signature Strings for Different Message Types¶
Notification messages
A notification message signature must contain the following parameters (If subject is left blank, omit subject in the signature):
message message_id subject timestamp topic_urn type
Example signature information for a notification message
message My test message message_id 88c726942175432bac921eafd0036163 subject demo timestamp 2016-08-15T07:29:16Z topic_urn urn:smn:regionId:74dc9e44d0cc4573adfce91cdfdd3ba9:xxxx type Notification
Each parameter occupies a line, with its value following in the next line.
Subscription confirmation and subscription cancellation messages
A subscription confirmation or subscription cancellation message signature must contain the following parameters:
message message_id subscribe_url timestamp topic_urn type
Example signature information for a subscription confirmation message
message You are invited to subscribe to topic: urn:smn:regionId:d91989905b8449b896f3a4f0ad57222d:demo. To confirm this subscription, please visit the following SubscribeURL in this message. message_id def5c309cbff44d5a870787ed937edf8 subscribe_url https://IP address/smn/subscription/confirm?Region ID&Token&Topic URN:demo timestamp 2016-08-15T07:29:16Z topic_urn urn:smn:regionId:d91989905b8449b896f3a4f0ad57222d:demo type SubscriptionConfirmation
Each parameter occupies a line, with its value following in the next line.