
The DIS Checkpoint Class

The Checkpoint class inherits from Resource.

class otcextensions.sdk.dis.v2.checkpoint.Checkpoint(_synchronized=False, connection=None, **attrs)

The base resource

  • _synchronized (bool) – This is not intended to be used directly. See new() and existing().

  • connection (openstack.connection.Connection) – Reference to the Connection being used. Defaults to None to allow Resource objects to be used without an active Connection, such as in unit tests. Use of self._connection in Resource code should protect itself with a check for None.

base_path: str = '/checkpoints'

The base part of the URI for this resource.

allow_create = True

Allow create operation for this resource.

allow_delete = True

Allow delete operation for this resource.

allow_fetch = True

Allow get operation for this resource.


Name of the app, which is the unique identifier of a user data ” consumption program.


Type of the checkpoint nLAST_READ: Only sequence numbers are recorded in databases.


Metadata information of the consumer application. The metadata information can contain a maximum of 1,000 characters.


Partition ID of the stream.


Sequence number to be submitted, which is used to record the consumption checkpoint of the stream.


Name of the stream.

get_checkpoint(session, **params)

Querying Checkpoint Details.

delete_checkpoint(session, **params)

Deleting Checkpoint.