Installation from GitHub sources

The latest state of the packages can be installed with the following source installation approach.

Cloning the Github repository:

$ git clone

A virtual environment seperates your installed packages from other libraries and should be used as well. You can name the virtual environment on your own desires, in our example it is: “venv”. The second command will switch on “venv”:

$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
(venv) $

Switch into the new folder which is created by cloning the repository and install install the project dependencies into the virtual environment:

(venv) $ cd ./python-otcextensions

Register the CLI plugin using:

(venv) ~/python-otcextensions$ python install

Install Openstack-Client binary from pip-Repository:

(venv) ~/python-otcextensions$ pip install openstackclient