Sending a Request

OBS is based on a standard request and response model. A request sent to OBS must comply with HTTP 1.1 and headers of a request must contain OBS-defined parameters, for example, authentication fields.

Requests can be sent to OBS using multiple HTTP methods such as GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, and HEAD. You can send a GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, or HEAD request to read, create, update, delete, or obtain a resource. Table 1 describes the request methods supported by OBS REST APIs.

Table 1 HTTP request methods supported by OBS REST APIs




Requests that the server returns a specific resource, for example, a bucket list or object.


Requests that the server creates a specific resource, for example, a bucket or object.


Requests that the server performs specific operations on a specific resource, for example, initiating or completing a multipart upload.


Requests that the server deletes a specific resource, for example, an object.


Requests that the server returns the metadata of a specific resource, for example, object metadata.

Request Headers

Parameters must be specified in the headers of requests sent to OBS using OBS REST APIs. For details about headers common to OBS REST requests, see section Common Request Headers.