Compatibility Between OBS APIs and PFS¶
You can call some OBS APIs to use PFS. There may be additional requirements when you call these APIs.
For details about the OBS APIs, see the Object Storage Service API Reference.
APIs for Basic Bucket Operations¶
API | PFS Compatible | Differences |
Listing buckets | Yes | The x-obs-bucket-type:POSIX header is required for obtaining the list of parallel file systems. |
Creating a bucket | Yes | The x-obs-fs-file-interface:Enabled header is required for creating a parallel file system. |
Listing objects in a bucket | Yes |
Obtaining bucket metadata | Yes |
Obtaining bucket region locations | Yes |
Deleting a bucket | Yes |
APIs for Advanced Bucket Settings¶
API | PFS Compatible | Differences |
Configuring a bucket policy | Yes |
Obtaining bucket policy information | Yes |
Deleting a bucket policy | Yes |
Configuring a bucket ACL | Yes |
Obtaining bucket ACL information | Yes |
Configuring logging for a bucket | Yes |
Obtaining a bucket logging configuration | Yes |
Configuring bucket lifecycle rules | Yes |
Obtaining bucket lifecycle configuration | Yes |
Deleting bucket lifecycle rules | Yes |
Configuring versioning for a bucket | No |
Obtaining bucket versioning status | No |
Configuring event notification for a bucket | Yes |
Obtaining the event notification configuration of a bucket | Yes |
Configuring storage class for a bucket | No |
Obtaining bucket storage class information | No |
Configuring cross-region replication for a bucket | No |
Obtaining the cross-region replication configuration of a bucket | No |
Deleting the cross-region replication configuration of a bucket | No |
Configuring tags for a bucket | Yes |
Obtaining bucket tags | Yes |
Deleting bucket tags | Yes |
Configuring bucket storage quota | Yes |
Querying bucket storage quota | Yes |
Querying information about used space in a bucket | Yes |
Configuring bucket inventories | No |
Obtaining bucket inventories | No |
Listing bucket inventories | No |
Deleting bucket inventories | No |
Configuring a custom domain name for a bucket | Yes |
Obtaining the custom domain name of a bucket | Yes |
Deleting a custom domain name of a bucket | Yes |
Configuring bucket encryption | No |
Obtaining bucket encryption configuration | No |
Deleting the encryption configuration of a bucket | No |
APIs for Static Website Hosting¶
API | PFS Compatible | Differences |
Configuring static website hosting for a bucket | No |
Obtaining the static website hosting configuration of a bucket | No |
Deleting the static website hosting configuration of a bucket | No |
Configuring bucket CORS | No |
Obtaining the CORS configuration of a bucket | No |
Deleting the CORS configuration of a bucket | No |
OPTIONS buckets | No |
OPTIONS objects | No |
APIs for Object Operations¶
API | PFS Compatible | Differences |
PUT objects | Yes |
POST objects | Yes |
Copying objects | Yes | Data can be replicated only between parallel file systems or buckets that are in the same cluster. |
Obtaining object content | Yes |
Obtaining object metadata | Yes |
Deleting an object | Yes |
Batch deleting objects | Yes |
Restoring Cold objects | No |
Appending objects | No |
Configuring object ACL | Yes |
Obtaining object ACL information | Yes |
Modifying object metadata | Yes |
Modifying an object | Yes | This is a PFS only API and is not supported for OBS buckets. |
Truncating an object | Yes | This is a PFS only API and is not supported for OBS buckets. |
Renaming an object | Yes | This is a PFS only API and is not supported for OBS buckets. |
APIs for Multipart Uploads¶
API | PFS Compatible | Differences |
Listing initialized multipart tasks in a bucket | Yes |
Initiating multipart upload tasks | Yes |
Uploading parts | Yes |
Copying parts | Yes | Copying parts is not supported for an appended file. |
Listing uploaded parts | Yes |
Merging parts | Yes |
Canceling multipart tasks | Yes |