Bucket Actions¶
Permission | API | Action | IAM Project |
Listing all buckets | obs:bucket:ListAllMyBuckets | Supported | |
Creating a bucket | obs:bucket:CreateBucket | Supported | |
Listing objects in a bucket | obs:bucket:ListBucket | Supported | |
Listing object versions in a bucket | obs:bucket:ListBucketVersions | Supported | |
Determining whether a bucket exists and obtaining the bucket metadata | obs:bucket:HeadBucket | Supported | |
Obtaining the bucket location | obs:bucket:GetBucketLocation | Supported | |
Deleting a bucket | obs:bucket:DeleteBucket | Supported | |
Configuring a bucket policy | obs:bucket:PutBucketPolicy | Supported | |
Obtain the bucket policy configurations | obs:bucket:GetBucketPolicy | Supported | |
Deleting a bucket policy | obs:bucket:DeleteBucketPolicy | Supported | |
Configuring the bucket ACL | obs:bucket:PutBucketAcl | Supported | |
Obtaining the bucket ACL information | obs:bucket:GetBucketAcl | Supported | |
Configuring logging for a bucket | obs:bucket:PutBucketLogging | Supported | |
Obtaining the logging configurations of a bucket | obs:bucket:GetBucketLogging | Supported | |
Configuring or deleting a lifecycle rule | obs:bucket:PutLifecycleConfiguration | Supported | |
Obtaining the lifecycle rule configurations | obs:bucket:GetLifecycleConfiguration | Supported | |
Configuring versioning for a bucket | obs:bucket:PutBucketVersioning | Supported | |
Obtaining the versioning configurations of a bucket | obs:bucket:GetBucketVersioning | Supported | |
Configuring event notifications for a bucket | obs:bucket:PutBucketNotification | Supported | |
Obtaining the event notification configurations of a bucket | obs:bucket:GetBucketNotification | Supported | |
Configuring storage class for a bucket | obs:bucket:PutBucketStoragePolicy | Supported | |
Obtaining the storage class of a bucket | obs:bucket:GetBucketStoragePolicy | Supported | |
Configuring cross-region replication for a bucket | obs:bucket:PutReplicationConfiguration | Supported | |
Obtaining the cross-region replication configuration of a bucket | Obtaining the Cross-Region Replication Configuration of a Bucket | obs:bucket:GetReplicationConfiguration | Supported |
Deleting the cross-region replication configuration of a bucket | Deleting the Cross-Region Replication Configuration of a Bucket | obs:bucket:DeleteReplicationConfiguration | Supported |
Adding tags to a bucket | obs:bucket:PutBucketTagging | Supported | |
Obtaining bucket tags | obs:bucket:GetBucketTagging | Supported | |
Deleting bucket tags | obs:bucket:DeleteBucketTagging | Supported | |
Limiting storage capacity for a bucket | obs:bucket:PutBucketQuota | Supported | |
Querying the storage capacity limit of a bucket | obs:bucket:GetBucketQuota | Supported | |
Querying the used capacity of a bucket | obs:bucket:GetBucketStorage | Supported | |
Configuring inventories for a bucket | obs:bucket:PutBucketInventoryConfiguration | Supported | |
Obtaining a specific inventory or listing all inventories of a bucket | obs:bucket:GetBucketInventoryConfiguration | Supported | |
Deleting bucket inventories | obs:bucket:DeleteBucketInventoryConfiguration | Supported | |
Configuring a user-defined domain name for a bucket | obs:bucket:PutBucketCustomDomainConfiguration | Supported | |
Obtaining the user-defined domain name of a bucket | obs:bucket:GetBucketCustomDomainConfiguration | Supported | |
Deleting the user-defined domain name of a bucket | obs:bucket:DeleteBucketCustomDomainConfiguration | Supported | |
Configuring or deleting encryption for a bucket | obs:bucket:PutEncryptionConfiguration | Supported | |
Obtaining the encryption configurations of a bucket | obs:bucket:GetEncryptionConfiguration | Supported | |
Configuring static website hosting for a bucket | obs:bucket:PutBucketWebsite | Supported | |
Obtaining the static website hosting configurations of a bucket | Obtaining the Static Website Hosting Configuration of a Bucket | obs:bucket:GetBucketWebsite | Supported |
Deleting the static website hosting configurations of a bucket | Deleting the Static Website Hosting Configuration of a Bucket | obs:bucket:DeleteBucketWebsite | Supported |
Configuring or deleting CORS rules for a bucket | obs:bucket:PutBucketCORS | Supported | |
Obtaining the CORS configurations of a bucket | obs:bucket:GetBucketCORS | Supported | |
Configuring Requester Pays for a bucket | obs:bucket:PutBucketRequestPayment | Supported | |
Obtaining the Requester Pays configurations of a bucket | Obtaining the Requester-Pays Configuration Information of a Bucket | obs:bucket:GetBucketRequestPayment | Supported |
Configuring a default WORM policy for a bucket | obs:bucket:PutBucketObjectLockConfiguration | Supported | |
Obtaining the default WORM policy of a bucket | obs:bucket:GetBucketObjectLockConfiguration | Supported | |
Listing initiated multipart uploads in a bucket | obs:bucket:ListBucketMultipartUploads | Supported |