Specifications for Custom Images Used for Training Jobs

When you use a locally developed model or training script to create a custom image, ensure that the custom image complies with the specifications defined by ModelArts.


  • A custom image cannot be larger than 30 GB. It is best if the custom image is no larger than 15 GB. An oversized image affects the startup of a training job.

  • The uid of the default user of a custom image must be 1000.

  • GPU drivers cannot be installed in an custom image. When you use GPUs to run a training job, ModelArts automatically places the GPU driver in /usr/local/nvidia of the training environment.

  • ModelArts does not support the download of open source installation packages. Install the dependencies required by the training job in the custom image.

Creating a Custom Image for Training Jobs

  1. Set up the Docker environment on an ECS or a local host.

  2. Write a Dockerfile based on your needs and the preceding specifications to build a custom image.

  3. Upload the created custom image to SWR.