Migrating an Image to ModelArts Training

To migrate an image to the new training management version, perform the following operations:

  1. Add the default user group ma-group (GID = 100) for the image of the new-version training management. If the user group whose GID is 100 exists, skip this step.

  2. Add the default user ma-user (UID = 1000) for the image of the new-version training management. If the user whose UID is 1000 exists, skip this step.

  3. Modify the permission on files in the image to allow ma-user whose UID is 1000 to read and write the files.

You can modify an image by referring to the following Dockerfile so that the image complies with specifications for custom images of the new-version training management.

FROM {An existing image}

USER root

RUN groupadd ma-group -g 100 && \
    useradd -d /home/ma-user -m -u 1000 -g 100 -s /bin/bash ma-user

# [important] avoid missing training log

USER ma-user
WORKDIR /home/ma-user

In the new-version training management, custom images are executed by the user whose UID is 1000 by default. Before using an image in the new-version training management, check image file permissions on the server where the image was built. The process is as follows:

Run the following command to specify the user whose UID is 1000 to run the image:

docker run -u 1000 -ti {Custom image} bash

Run the boot command (such as the following command) in the container during image runtime:

python train.py

Check whether there are any Permission denied error.

If Permission denied is displayed for a file, for example, train.py, run the following command to change the file that belongs to the user whose UID is 1000:

chown 1000 train.py