Stopping, Rebuilding, or Searching for a Training Job

Save As Algorithm

To modify the algorithm of a training job, click Save As Algorithm in the upper right corner of the training job details page.

On the Algorithms page, the algorithm parameters for the last training job are automatically set. You can modify the settings.


This function is not supported for algorithms subscribed in AI Hub.

Stopping a Training Job

In the training job list, click Stop in the Operation column of a training job that is in creating, pending, or running state to stop the job.

A training job in completed, failed, terminated, or abnormal state cannot be stopped.

Rebuilding a Training Job

If you are not satisfied with a created training job, click Rebuild in the Operation column to rebuild it. The page for creating a training job is displayed. On this page, the parameter settings for the previous training job are automatically retained. You only need to modify certain parameter settings.

Searching for a Training Job

If you log in to ModelArts using an IAM account, all training jobs under this account are displayed in the training job list. To quickly search for a training job, use the following methods:

Method: Enable Display Only My Instances. Then, only jobs created under the current IAM account are displayed in the training job list.

Method: Search for a training job by job name.

Method: Search for jobs by name, ID, job type, status, creation time, algorithm, and resource pool.