How Do I Upload Local Files to a Notebook Instance?

  • Small files (files smaller than 100 MB)

    Open a notebook instance and click Upload in the upper right corner to upload a local file to the notebook instance.

    **Figure 1** Upload a small file

    Figure 1 Upload a small file

  • Large files (files larger than 100 MB)

    You are advised to use OBS to upload large files. Use OBS Browser to upload a local file to an OBS bucket and use ModelArts SDKs to download the file from OBS to a notebook instance.

    To upload files using OBS Browser, refer to Uploading a File.

    To use ModelArts SDKs to download files from OBS to a notebook instance, refer to Downloading a File from OBS.

  • Folders

    Compress a folder into a package and upload the package in the same way as uploading a large file. After the package is uploaded to a notebook instance, decompress it on the Terminal page.