Downloading a File from JupyterLab

Only files within 100 MB in JupyterLab can be downloaded to a local PC. You can perform operations in different scenarios based on the storage location selected when creating a notebook instance.

Notebook Instances Using OBS Storage

For notebook instances that use OBS storage, you can use OBS or the ModelArts SDK to download files from OBS to a local PC.

  • Method 1: Downloading the files using OBS

    Download the files from OBS to a local path. If you have a large amount of data, use OBS Browser+ to download data or folders.

  • Method 2: Downloading the files using the ModelArts SDKs

    1. Download and install ModelArts SDKs in your local environment.

    2. Complete the session authentication of ModelArts SDKs.

    3. Download the files from OBS to a local path. The sample code is as follows:

      from modelarts.session import Session