Downloading a File from JupyterLab

Only files within 100 MB in JupyterLab can be downloaded to a local PC. You can perform operations in different scenarios based on the storage location selected when creating a notebook instance.

Notebook Instances Using OBS Storage

For notebook instances that use OBS storage, you can use OBS or the ModelArts SDK to download files from OBS to a local PC.

  • Method 1: Downloading the files using OBS

    Use OBS to download the files to the local PC. If you have a large amount of data, use OBS Browser+ to download data or folders.

  • Method 2: Downloading the files using the ModelArts SDKs

    1. Download and install the ModelArts SDKs on your local PC. For details, see .

    2. Authenticate sessions of the ModelArts SDKs. For details, see .

    3. from OBS to the local PC. The sample code is as follows:

      from modelarts.session import Session