Cloning an open-source repository in GitHub

Files can be cloned from a GitHub open-source repository to JupyterLab.

  1. Use JupyterLab to open a running notebook instance.

  2. Click image1 in the navigation bar on the top of the JupyterLab window. In the displayed dialog box, click image2 on the left to go to the page for cloning files from a GitHub open-source repository.

    **Figure 1** File upload icon

    Figure 1 File upload icon

    **Figure 2** Page for cloning files from a GitHub open-source repository

    Figure 2 Page for cloning files from a GitHub open-source repository

  3. Enter a valid address of a GitHub open-source repository, select files from the displayed files and folders, and click Clone.

    GitHub open-source repository address:

    **Figure 3** Entering a valid address of a GitHub open-source repository

    Figure 3 Entering a valid address of a GitHub open-source repository

  4. The progress is displayed during repository cloning. Wait until the cloning is complete.

    **Figure 4** Process of cloning a repository

    Figure 4 Process of cloning a repository

Error Handling

  • Failing to clone the repository may be caused by network issues. In this case, run the git clone command on the terminal page to test the network connectivity.

  • If the repository already exists in the current directory of the notebook instance, the system displays a message indicating that the repository name already exists. In this case, you can overwrite the existing repository or click image3 to cancel the cloning.