Downloading a File from JupyterLab to a Local Path

Files created in JupyterLab can be downloaded to a local path. The operations for downloading a file are the same, regardless of whether the created notebook instance uses the default or EVS storage.

Downloading a File Less Than or Equal to 100 MB

In the JupyterLab file list, right-click the file to be downloaded and choose Download from the shortcut menu. The file is downloaded to your browser's downloads folder.

**Figure 1** Downloading a file

Figure 1 Downloading a file

Downloading a File Larger Than 100 MB

Use OBS to transfer the file from the target notebook instance to the local path. To do so, perform the following operations:

  1. In the notebook instance, create an IPYNB file larger than 100 MB and use MoXing to upload it to OBS. Example code is as follows:

    import moxing as mox
    mox.file.copy('/home/ma-user/work/obs_file.txt', 'obs://bucket_name/obs_file.txt')

    In the preceding code, /home/ma-user/work/obs_file.txt is the file storage path in the notebook instance, and obs://bucket_name/obs_file.txt is the file storage path in OBS.

  2. Use OBS or ModelArts SDK to download the file from OBS to the local path.

    • Method 1: Use OBS to download the file.

    • Download obs_file.txt from OBS to the local path. If a large amount of data is to be downloaded, use OBS Browser+ to download.

    • Method 2: Use ModelArts SDK to download the file.

      1. Download and install the SDK locally.

      2. Authenticate sessions.

      3. Download the file from OBS to the local path. Example code is as follows:

        from modelarts.session import Session