Creating a Training Job Using the TensorFlow Framework


This section describes how to train a model on ModelArts by calling a series of APIs.

The process for creating a training job using the TensorFlow framework is as follows:

  1. Call the API in Authentication to obtain the user token, which will be put into the request header for authentication in a subsequent request.

  2. Call the API in Querying Job Resource Specifications to obtain the resource flavors available for training jobs.

  3. Call the API in Querying Job Engine Specifications to view the engine types and versions available for training jobs.

  4. Call the API in Creating a Training Job to create a training job.

  5. Call the API in Querying the Details About a Training Job Version to query the details about the training job based on the job ID.

  6. Call the API in Obtaining the Name of a Training Job Log File to obtain the name of the training job log file.

  7. Call the API in Querying Training Job Logs to view the log details of the training job.

  8. Call the API in Deleting a Training Job to delete the training job if it is no longer needed.


  • You have obtained the endpoints of and ModelArts.

  • You have located the region where the service is deployed and obtained .

  • You have obtained the project ID. For details, see Obtaining a Project ID.

  • You have prepared the training code for TensorFlow. For example, you have stored the boot file in the /test-modelarts/mnist-tensorflow-code/ directory of OBS.

  • You have prepared a dataset for the training job. For example, you have stored a training dataset in the /test-modelarts/dataset-mnist/ directory of OBS.

  • You have created the output path of the training job, for example, /test-modelarts/mnist-model/output/.


  1. Call the API in Authentication to obtain the user token.

    1. Request body:

      URI format:

      POST https://{iam_endpoint}/v3/auth/tokens

      Request header: Content-Type → application/json

      Request body:

        "auth": {
          "identity": {
            "methods": ["password"],
            "password": {
              "user": {
                "name": "username",
                "password": "**********",
                "domain": {
                  "name": "domainname"
          "scope": {
            "project": {
              "name": ""

      Set the italic fields in bold based on the site requirements.

      • Replace iam_endpoint with the IAM endpoint.

      • Replace username with the IAM username.

      • Replace ******** with the login password of the user.

      • Replace domainname with the account to which the user belongs.

      • Replace with the project name, which indicates the zone where the service is deployed.

    2. The status code 201 Created is returned. The value of X-Subject-Token in the response header is the token.

      x-subject-token →MIIZmgYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIZizCCGYcCAQExDTALBglghkgBZQMEAgEwgXXXXXX...
  2. Call the API in Querying Job Resource Specifications to obtain the resource flavors available for training jobs.

    1. Request body:

      URI format:

      GET https://{ma_endpoint}/v1/{project_id}/job/resource-specs?job_type=train

      Request header: X-auth-Token →MIIZmgYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIZizCCGYcCAQExDTALBglghkgBZQMEAgEwgXXXXXX...

      Set the italic fields in bold based on the site requirements.

      • Replace ma_endpoint with the ModelArts endpoint.

      • Replace project_id with the project ID of the user.

      • Set X-auth-Token to the token obtained in 1.

    2. The status code 200 OK is returned. The response body is as follows:

        "specs": [
            "spec_id": 7,
            "core": "2",
            "cpu": "8",
            "gpu_num": 0,
            "gpu_type": "",
            "spec_code": "modelarts.vm.cpu.2u",
            "unit_num": 1,
            "max_num": 1,
            "storage": "",
            "interface_type": 1,
            "no_resource": false
            "spec_id": 27,
            "core": "8",
            "cpu": "32",
            "gpu_num": 0,
            "gpu_type": "",
            "spec_code": "modelarts.vm.cpu.8u",
            "unit_num": 1,
            "max_num": 1,
            "storage": "",
            "interface_type": 1,
            "no_resource": false
        "is_success": true,
        "spec_total_count": 5
      • Select and record the flavor type required for creating the training job based on the spec_code field. This section uses modelarts.vm.cpu.8u as an example and records the value of the max_num field as 1.

      • The no_resource field is used to determine whether resources are sufficient. Value false indicates that resources are available.

  3. Call the API in Querying Job Engine Specifications to view the engine types and versions available for training jobs.

    1. Request body:

      URI format:

      GET https://{ma_endpoint}/v1/{project_id}/job/ai-engines?job_type=train

      Request header: X-auth-Token →MIIZmgYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIZizCCGYcCAQExDTALBglghkgBZQMEAgEwgXXXXXX...

      Set the italic fields in bold based on the site requirements.

      • Replace ma_endpoint with the ModelArts endpoint.

      • Replace project_id with the project ID of the user.

      • Set X-auth-Token to the token obtained in 1.

    2. The status code 200 OK is returned. The response body is as follows:

        "engines": [
            "engine_type": 1,
            "engine_name": "TensorFlow",
            "engine_id": 3,
            "engine_version": "TF-1.8.0-python2.7"
            "engine_type": 1,
            "engine_name": "TensorFlow",
            "engine_id": 4,
            "engine_version": "TF-1.8.0-python3.6"
            "engine_type": 9,
            "engine_name": "XGBoost-Sklearn",
            "engine_id": 100,
            "engine_version": "XGBoost-0.80-Sklearn-0.18.1-python3.6"
        "is_success": true

      Select the engine flavor required for creating a training job based on the engine_name and engine_version fields and record engine_id. This section describes how to create a job based on the TensorFlow engine. Record engine_id as 4.

  4. Call the API in Creating a Training Job to create a training job named jobtest_TF based on the TensorFlow framework.

    1. Request body:

      URI format:

      POST https://{ma_endpoint}/v1/{project_id}/training-jobs

      Request header:

      • X-auth-Token →MIIZmgYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIZizCCGYcCAQExDTALBglghkgBZQMEAgEwgXXXXXX...

      • Content-Type →application/json

      Request body:

          "job_name": "jobtest_TF",
          "job_desc": "using TensorFlow for handwritten digit recognition",
          "config": {
              "worker_server_num": 1,
              "parameter": [],
              "flavor": {
                  "code": "modelarts.vm.cpu.8u"
              "train_url": "/test-modelarts/mnist-model/output/",
              "engine_id": 4,
              "app_url": "/test-modelarts/mnist-tensorflow-code/",
              "boot_file_url": "/test-modelarts/mnist-tensorflow-code/",
              "data_source": [
                      "type": "obs",
                      "data_url": "/test-modelarts/dataset-mnist/"
          "notification": {
              "topic_urn": "",
              "events": []
          "workspace_id": "0"

      Set the italic fields in bold based on the site requirements.

      • Set job_name and job_desc to the name and description of the training job.

      • Set worker_server_num and code to the values of max_num and spec_code obtained in 2.

      • Set engine_id to the engine ID obtained in 3.

      • Set train_url to the output directory of the training job.

      • Set app_url and boot_file_url to the code directory and code boot file of the training job, respectively.

      • Set data_url to the dataset directory used by the training job.

    2. The status code 200 OK is returned, indicating that the training job has been created. The response body is as follows:

        "version_name": "V0001",
        "job_name": "jobtest_TF",
        "create_time": 1609121837000,
        "job_id": 567524,
        "resource_id": "jobaedef089",
        "version_id": 1108482,
        "is_success": true,
        "status": 1
      • Record the values of job_id (training job ID) and version_id (training job version ID) for future use.

      • The value of status is 1, indicating that the training job is being initialized.

  5. Call the API in Querying the Details About a Training Job Version to query the details about the training job based on the job ID.

    1. Request body:

      URI format:

      GET https://{ma_endpoint}/v1/{project_id}/training-jobs/567524/versions/1108482

      Request header: X-auth-Token →MIIZmgYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIZizCCGYcCAQExDTALBglghkgBZQMEAgEwgXXXXXX...

      Set the italic fields in bold based on the site requirements.

      • Replace 567524 with the value of job_id recorded in 4.

      • Replace 1108482 with the value of version_id recorded in 4.

    2. The status code 200 OK is returned. The response body is as follows:

        "dataset_name": null,
        "duration": 1326,
        "spec_code": "modelarts.vm.cpu.8u",
        "parameter": [],
        "start_time": 1609121913000,
        "model_outputs": [],
        "engine_name": "TensorFlow",
        "error_result": null,
        "gpu_type": "",
        "user_frame_image": null,
        "gpu": null,
        "dataset_id": null,
        "nas_mount_path": null,
        "task_summary": {},
        "max_num": 1,
        "model_metric_list": "{}",
        "is_zombie": null,
        "flavor_code": "modelarts.vm.cpu.8u",
        "gpu_num": 0,
        "train_url": "/test-modelarts/mnist-model/output/",
        "engine_type": 1,
        "job_name": "jobtest_TF",
        "nas_type": "efs",
        "outputs": null,
        "job_id": 567524,
        "data_url": "/test-modelarts/dataset-mnist/",
        "log_url": null,
        "boot_file_url": "/test-modelarts/mnist-tensorflow-code/",
        "volumes": null,
        "dataset_version_id": null,
        "algorithm_id": null,
        "worker_server_num": 1,
        "pool_type": "SYSTEM_DEFINED",
        "autosearch_config": null,
        "job_desc": "using TensorFlow for handwritten digit recognition",
        "inputs": null,
        "model_id": null,
        "dataset_version_name": null,
        "pool_name": "hec-train-pub-cpu",
        "engine_version": "TF-1.8.0-python3.6",
        "system_metric_list": {
          "recvBytesRate": [
          "cpuUsage": [
          "sendBytesRate": [
          "memUsage": [
          "gpuUtil": [
          "gpuMemUsage": [
          "interval": 1,
          "diskWriteRate": [
          "diskReadRate": [
        "retrain_model_id": null,
        "version_name": "V0001",
        "pod_version": "1.8.0-cp36",
        "engine_id": 4,
        "status": 10,
        "cpu": "32",
        "user_image_url": null,
        "spec_id": 27,
        "is_success": true,
        "storage": "",
        "nas_share_addr": null,
        "version_id": 1108482,
        "no_resource": false,
        "user_command": null,
        "resource_id": "jobaedef089",
        "core": "8",
        "npu_info": null,
        "app_url": "/test-modelarts/mnist-tensorflow-code/",
        "data_source": [
            "type": "obs",
            "data_url": "/test-modelarts/dataset-mnist/"
        "pre_version_id": null,
        "create_time": 1609121837000,
        "job_type": 1,
        "pool_id": "pool7d1e384a"

      You can learn about the version details of the training job based on the response. The value of status is 10, indicating that the training job is successful.

  6. Call the API in Obtaining the Name of a Training Job Log File to obtain the name of the training job log file.

    1. Request body:

      URI format:

      GET https://{ma_endpoint}/v1/{project_id}/training-jobs/567524/versions/1108482/log/file-names

      Request header: X-auth-Token →MIIZmgYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIZizCCGYcCAQExDTALBglghkgBZQMEAgEwgXXXXXX...

      Set the italic fields in bold based on the site requirements.

    2. The status code 200 OK is returned. The response body is as follows:

        "is_success": true,
        "log_file_list": [

      Only one log file named job-jobtest-tf.0 exists.

  7. Call the API in Querying Training Job Logs to query details about eight rows in the training job log file.

    1. Request body:

      URI format:

      GET https://{ma_endpoint}/v1/{project_id}/training-jobs/567524/versions/1108482/aom-log?log_file=job-jobtest-tf.0&lines=8&order=desc

      Request header: X-auth-Token →MIIZmgYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIZizCCGYcCAQExDTALBglghkgBZQMEAgEwgXXXXXX...

      Set the italic fields in bold based on the site requirements.

      • Set log_file to the name of the log file obtained in 6.

      • Set lines to the rows to be obtained in the log file.

      • Set order to the log query direction.

    2. The status code 200 OK is returned. The response body is as follows:

        "start_line": "1609121886518240330",
        "lines": 8,
        "is_success": true,
        "end_line": "1609121900042593083",
        "content": "Done exporting!\n\n[Modelarts Service Log]Training completed.\n\n[ModelArts Service Log]modelarts-pipe: will create log file /tmp/log/jobtest_TF.log\n\n[ModelArts Service Log]modelarts-pipe: will create log file /tmp/log/jobtest_TF.log\n\n[ModelArts Service Log]modelarts-pipe: will write log file /tmp/log/jobtest_TF.log\n\n[ModelArts Service Log]modelarts-pipe: param for max log length: 1073741824\n\n[ModelArts Service Log]modelarts-pipe: param for whether exit on overflow: 0\n\n[ModelArts Service Log]modelarts-pipe: total length: 23303\n"
  8. Call the API in Deleting a Training Job to delete the training job if it is no longer needed.

    1. Request body:

      URI format:

      GET https://{ma_endpoint}/v1/{project_id}/training-jobs/567524

      Request header: X-auth-Token →MIIZmgYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIZizCCGYcCAQExDTALBglghkgBZQMEAgEwgXXXXXX...

      Set the italic fields in bold based on the site requirements.

    2. The status code 200 OK is returned, indicating that the job has been deleted. The response is as follows:

        "is_success": true