Obtaining Details About an AI Application¶
This API is used to query details about an AI application based on the AI application ID.
GET /v1/{project_id}/models/{model_id}
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
model_id | Yes | String | Model ID |
project_id | Yes | String | Project ID. For details, see Obtaining a Project ID and Name. |
Request Parameters¶
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
X-Auth-Token | Yes | String | User token. It can be obtained by calling the IAM API that is used to obtain a user token. The value of X-Subject-Token in the response header is the user token. |
Response Parameters¶
Status code: 200
Parameter | Type | Description |
model_version | String | Model version |
source_job_version | String | Version of the source training job |
source_location | String | OBS path where the model is located or the template address of the SWR image |
source_job_id | String | ID of the source training job |
source_copy | String | Whether to enable image replication. This parameter is valid only when model_type is set to Image.
description | String | Model description |
project | String | Project ID of the tenant to which a model belongs |
workspace_id | String | Workspace ID. Value 0 indicates the default workspace. |
model_algorithm | String | Model algorithm type, which can be predict_analysis, object_detection, or image_classification |
model_name | String | Model name |
tenant | String | Account ID of the tenant to which a model belongs |
model_docs | Array of GuideDoc objects | List of template documents |
owner | String | ID of the tenant to which a model belongs |
execution_code | String | OBS path for storing the execution code. The name of the execution code file is consistently to be customize_service.py. |
schema_doc | String | Download address of the model schema file |
image_address | String | Image path generated after model packaging |
output_params | Array of ModelParamsInfo objects | Collection of output parameters of a model |
health | ModelHealth object | Model health check information |
runtime | String | Model runtime environment |
model_metrics | String | Model precision |
source_type | String | Model source type. This parameter is valid and its value is auto only if the model is deployed using ExeML. |
model_type | String | Model type. The value is TensorFlow/Image/PyTorch/Template/MindSpore. |
model_id | String | Model ID |
dependencies | Array of ModelDependencies objects | Package required for running the code and model |
model_size | Long | Model size, in bytes |
model_status | String | Model status |
apis | String | All API input and output parameter information of a model, which is obtained from the model preview |
model_source | String | Model source. Options:
tunable | Boolean | Whether a model can be tuned. Options:
market_flag | Boolean | Whether a model is subscribed from the marketplace. Options:
publishable_flag | Boolean | Whether a model can be published to the marketplace. Options:
model_labels | Array of strings | Model label array |
labels_map | Map<String,String> | Model label map. The key is consistently to be labels, and the value is the model label array. |
install_type | Array of strings | Supported service type for deployment |
config | String | Model configurations |
specification | ModelSpecification object | Minimum specifications for model deployment |
input_params | Array of ModelParamsInfo objects | Collection of input parameters of a model |
create_at | Long | Time when a model is created, in milliseconds calculated from 1970.1.1 0:0:0 UTC. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
doc_url | String | HTTP(S) link of the document |
doc_name | String | Document name, which must start with a letter. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
protocol | String | Request protocol for health check, which can only be HTTP |
initial_delay_seconds | String | After an instance is started, a health check starts after the time configured in initial_delay_seconds expires. |
timeout_seconds | String | Health check timeout |
url | String | Path to the health check API |
Parameter | Type | Description |
installer | String | Installation mode. Only pip is supported. |
packages | Array of Packages objects | Collection of dependency packages |
Parameter | Type | Description |
package_version | String | Version of a dependency package. If this parameter is left blank, the latest version is installed by default. |
package_name | String | Name of a dependency package. Ensure that the package name is correct and available. |
restraint | String | Version restriction, which can be EXACT, ATLEAST, or ATMOST. This parameter is mandatory only when package_version is available. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
min_cpu | String | Minimal CPU specifications |
min_gpu | String | Minimal GPU specifications |
min_memory | String | Minimum memory |
min_ascend | String | Minimal Ascend specifications |
Parameter | Type | Description |
protocol | String | Request protocol, for example, http |
url | String | API URL |
min | Number | Minimum value of a numeric parameter |
method | String | Request method, for example, post |
max | Number | Maximum value of a numeric parameter |
param_desc | String | Parameters |
param_name | String | Parameter |
param_type | String | Type |
Example Requests¶
GET https://{endpoint}/v1/{project_id}/models/{model_id}
Example Responses¶
Status code: 200
Model details
"model_id" : "10eb0091-887f-4839-9929-cbc884f1e20e",
"model_name" : "mnist",
"model_version" : "1.0.0",
"runtime" : "python2.7",
"tenant" : "6d28e85aa78b4e1a9b4bd83501bcd4a1",
"project" : "d04c10db1f264cfeb1966deff1a3527c",
"owner" : "6d28e85aa78b4e1a9b4bd83501bcd4a1",
"source_location" : "https://models.obs.xxxxx.com/mnist",
"model_type" : "TensorFlow",
"model_size" : 5633481,
"model_status" : "published",
"execution_code" : "https://testmodel.obs.xxxxx.com/customize_service.py",
"image_address" : "",
"input_params" : [ {
"url" : "/",
"method" : "post",
"protocol" : "http",
"param_name" : "data",
"param_type" : "object",
"param_desc" : "{\"type\":\"object\",\"properties\":{\"req_data\":{\"items\":[{\"type\":\"object\",\"properties\":{}}],\"type\":\"array\"}}}"
} ],
"output_params" : [ {
"url" : "/",
"method" : "post",
"protocol" : "http",
"param_name" : "data",
"param_type" : "object",
"param_desc" : "{\"type\":\"object\",\"properties\":{\"resp_data\":{\"type\":\"array\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"object\",\"properties\":{}}]}}}"
} ],
"dependencies" : [ {
"installer" : "pip",
"packages" : [ {
"package_name" : "pkg1",
"package_version" : "1.0.1",
"restraint" : "ATLEAST"
} ]
} ],
"model_metrics" : "{\"f1\":0.52381,\"recall\":0.666667,\"precision\":0.466667,\"accuracy\":0.625}",
"apis" : "[{\"protocol\":\"http\",\"method\":\"post\",\"url\":\"/\",\"input_params\":{\"type\":\"object\",\"properties\":{\"data\":{\"type\":\"object\",\"properties\":{\"req_data\":{\"items\":[{\"type\":\"object\",\"properties\":{}}],\"type\":\"array\"}}}}},\"output_params\":{\"type\":\"object\",\"properties\":{\"data\":{\"type\":\"object\",\"properties\":{\"resp_data\":{\"type\":\"array\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"object\",\"properties\":{}}]}}}}}}]",
"model_labels" : [ ],
"labels_map" : {
"labels" : [ ]
"workspace_id" : "0",
"install_type" : [ "realtime", "batch", "edge" ],
"specification" : { },
"config" : "{\"model_algorithm\":\"image_classification\",\"model_source\":\"auto\",\"tunable\":false,\"downloadable_flag\":true,\"algorithm\":\"resnet_v2_50,mobilenet_v1\",\"metrics\":{\"f1\":0.912078373015873,\"recall\":0.9125,\"precision\":0.9340277777777778,\"accuracy\":0.263250724969475},\"model_type\":\"TensorFlow\",\"runtime\":\"tf1.13-python3.6-cpu\",\"apis\":[{\"protocol\":\"https\",\"url\":\"/\",\"method\":\"post\",\"request\":{\"data\":{\"type\":\"object\",\"properties\":{\"images\":{\"type\":\"file\"}}},\"Content-type\":\"multipart/form-data\"},\"response\":{\"data\":{\"type\":\"object\",\"required\":[\"predicted_label\",\"scores\"],\"properties\":{\"predicted_label\":{\"type\":\"string\"},\"scores\":{\"type\":\"array\",\"items\":{\"type\":\"array\",\"minItems\":2,\"maxItems\":2,\"items\":[{\"type\":\"string\"},{\"type\":\"number\"}]}}}},\"Content-type\":\"multipart/form-data\"}}],\"dependencies\":[{\"installer\":\"pip\",\"packages\":[{\"package_name\":\"numpy\",\"package_version\":\"1.17.0\",\"restraint\":\"EXACT\"},{\"package_name\":\"h5py\",\"package_version\":\"2.8.0\",\"restraint\":\"EXACT\"},{\"package_name\":\"Pillow\",\"package_version\":\"5.2.0\",\"restraint\":\"EXACT\"},{\"package_name\":\"scipy\",\"package_version\":\"1.2.1\",\"restraint\":\"EXACT\"},{\"package_name\":\"resampy\",\"package_version\":\"0.2.1\",\"restraint\":\"EXACT\"},{\"package_name\":\"scikit-learn\",\"package_version\":\"0.19.1\",\"restraint\":\"EXACT\"}]}]}"
Status Codes¶
Status Code | Description |
200 | Model details |
Error Codes¶
See Error Codes.