Sample Scripts


Zeppelin is a web-based notebook that supports interactive data analysis. For more information, visit the Zeppelin official website at

This sample script is used to automatically install Zeppelin. Select the corresponding script path based on the region where the cluster is to be created. Enter the script path in Script Path on the Bootstrap Action page when adding a bootstrap action during cluster creation. You do not need to enter parameters for this script. Based on the Zeppelin usage habit, you only need to run the script on the active Master node.

After the bootstrap action is complete, use either of the following methods to verify that Zeppelin is correctly installed.

Method 1: Log in to the active Master node as user root and run /home/apache/zeppelin-0.7.3-bin-all/bin/ status. If the message stating "Zeppelin is running [ OK ]" is displayed, the installation is successful.

Method 2: Start a Windows ECS in the same VPC. Access port 7510 of the active Master node in the cluster. If the Zeppelin page is displayed, the installation is successful.


Presto is an open-source distributed SQL query engine, which is applicable to interactive analysis and query. For more information, visit the official website at

The sample script can be used to automatically install Presto. The script path is as follows:

Based on the Presto usage habit, you are advised to install dualroles on the active Master nodes and worker on the Core nodes. You are advised to add the boot operation script and configure the parameters as follows:

Table 1 Bootstrap action script parameters

Script 1

Name: install dualroles

Script Path: Select the path of the script based on the region.

Execution Node: Active Master

Parameters: dualroles

Execution Time: After component start

Failed Action: Continue

Script 2

Name: install worker

Script Path: Select the path of the script based on the region.

Execution Node: Core

Parameters: worker

Execution Time: After component start

Failed Action: Continue

After the bootstrap action is complete, you can start a Windows ECS in the same VPC of the cluster and access port 7520 of the active Master node to view the Presto web page.

You can also log in to the active Master node to try Presto and run the following commands as user root:

Command for loading the environment variable (In MRS 3.x and later versions, the default installation path of the client is /opt/Bigdata/client. In MRS 3.x and earlier versions, the default installation path is /opt/client. For details, see the actual situation.):

#source /opt/Bigdata/client/bigdata_env

Command for viewing the process status:

#/home/apache/presto/presto-server-0.201/bin/launcher status

Command for connecting to Presto and performing the operation

#/home/apache/presto/presto-server-0.201/bin/presto --server localhost:7520 --catalog tpch --schema sf100

presto:sf100> select * from nation;

presto:sf100> select count(*) from customer