ALM-12062 OMS Parameter Configurations Mismatch with the Cluster Scale


The system checks whether the OMS parameter configurations match with the cluster scale at each top hour. If the OMS parameter configurations do not meet the cluster scale requirements, the system generates this alarm. This alarm is automatically cleared when the OMS parameter configurations are modified.


Alarm ID

Alarm Severity

Auto Clear








Specifies the cluster or system for which the alarm is generated.


Specifies the name of the service for which the alarm is generated.


Specifies the role for which the alarm is generated.


Specifies the host for which the alarm is generated.

Impact on the System

The OMS configuration is not modified when the cluster is installed or the system capacity is expanded.

Possible Causes

The OMS parameter configurations mismatch with the cluster scale.


Check whether the OMS parameter configurations match with the cluster scale.

  1. In the alarm list on FusionInsight Manager, locate the row that contains the alarm, and view the IP address of the host for which the alarm is generated.

  2. Log in to the host where the alarm is generated as user root.

  3. Run the su - omm command to switch to user omm.

  4. Run the vi $BIGDATA_LOG_HOME/controller/scriptlog/modify_manager_param.log command to open the log file and search for the log file containing the following information: Current oms configurations cannot support xx nodes. In the information, xx indicates the number of nodes in the cluster.

  5. Optimize the current cluster configuration by following the instructions in Optimizing Manager Configurations Based on the Number of Cluster Nodes.

  6. One hour later, check whether the alarm is cleared.

    • If it is, no further action is required.

    • If it is not, go to 7.

Collect fault information.

  1. On FusionInsight Manager, choose O&M > Log > Download.

  2. Select Controller from the Service and click OK.

  3. Click image1 in the upper right corner, and set Start Date and End Date for log collection to 10 minutes ahead of and after the alarm generation time, respectively. Then, click Download.

  4. Contact the O&M personnel and send the collected log information.

Alarm Clearing

After the fault is rectified, the system automatically clears this alarm.